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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Article Marketing - Is Article Marketing A Surefire Way To Make Money Online?

Article marketing is a very easy foolproof model to follow. There's so many article marketing models to follow online and many people's whole business model is transparent. Most people don't see this and remain blind to this. If you open your eyes and model someone (note, not copy someone! But model their business model), then you are suddenly in business!

Speaking of that, I do use a pseudo name for marketing articles in niche markets. Many other Internet marketers do that too. So if you don't want people to spy on your niche marketing, use a pseudo name.

Why do so many people write a few articles and then call it a day?

People see 5 views over 3 days and think their 30 minutes spent writing article was a complete waste of time.

The article goes on to get 100-200 views or even 1000+ views after a year or so. Multiply that by 100 articles, or even 1000 articles, and imagine the traffic.

Most people hate writing, would rather spend their money on 'quick fix' traffic rather than outsourcing, or just hate the thought of contributing to an article directory's content bank. The truth is, we rely on authority sites to get traffic! That's the way it works online.

If you hate writing (and that's the excuse I often hear), then outsource your articles! It's not difficult. You don't have to do everything yourself if you want to make it online. Find a good article writer at a good cost and get your army of articles out there.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Posted by get-paid98052 | 10:06 PM |

Article Marketing Don't Mean a Thing If It Don't Get Published

You probably know the benefits of article marketing already.

a. More web traffic
b. Backlinks to your site thereby growing your link popularity
c. A built in marketing viral campaign
d. Establishing yourself as a expert.

And countless others. Even with all the new tools like video and bookmark social, article marketing remains one of the best and most cost effective ways to reach people online and profit your internet business. But it don't mean a thing if you don't get published.

True different article directories have different criteria and some for whatever reason are pickier than others. The point is there are things within your control that can increase the chances of your articles being accepted and published on a regular basis.

1. Check it and then check it again.

All of us would love to turn out the perfect article the first time every time but writing is rewriting. Not just throwing out what you don't need but also proofreading for any spelling and grammatical errors. Even if you happen to get published, the refusal to check your own work makes you look unprofessional in the eyes of your readers. That is very detrimental since one of the perks of article marketing is to be recognized as an expert. Read the article out loud or let someone else read it. Using any type of word processor can help considerably.

2. They don't want a sales page

Article marketing is an incredible form of free advertisement. The mistake comes when some writers confuse providing useful quality content with a sales page. If you want a guaranteed rejection email from an article publisher then write a sales letter masquerading as an article. Leave the advertising to your resource box. If you have given the reader quality information than it stands the reason they will want to find out more by clicking the link in your byline. Most publishers allow a 4 to 5 line resource box. It may not seem like much but a well crafted byline can be a very powerful advertising tool. Keep it brief while still urging your readers to take action.

3. So what are you saying?

If you are writing on a topic and you have five major points you want to make then write five different articles. When writing for an online article directory each article should have one theme presented in a clear, simple and direct manner. Even if your article is free of spelling and grammatical errors or blatant advertising, publishers can reject it on the grounds that they don't have a clue as to what you are talking about. Don't kid yourself. Many of the best directories have very strict standards that are enforced by people who actually read the articles. Try also to avoid making references that only a select few would appreciate but have the rest of us including the publishers scratching our heads. Remember you want as many people as possible to read (and understand) your article so: keep it simple, make it clear, and talk direct.

The goal is to build your own article marketing system that can turn out good content on a regular basis. Article publishers know exactly what they are looking for so stay focused on the 3 things we discussed. Keep publishers as well as your target audience happy and you are well on your way to more web site traffic and extra profits in your account.

Daryl Campbell is an online business owner and affiliate marketer. Get more free information including, tips, tools, video, step by step coaching and up to the minute news to prosper your internet business at Internet Marketing Guide

Posted by get-paid98052 | 8:07 PM |

Article Marketing Attract Website Traffic With A Sharp Resource Box

A resource box is the few lines of text found at the bottom of most topical articles one might read on the Internet. And savvy article marketing experts know that the resource box, albeit small, is a prime piece of online real estate for attracting qualified website traffic.

In fact, a great article writer will compose the entire body of an article for the sole purpose of retaining the reader's interest until she reaches and reads the tiny resource box at the end.

When a reader likes the content they just finished reading, it's a case of human nature to want more. So in its turn, the resource box should provide a live link to further related information, or at least to the source of the article. But like the article itself, the resource box must demand the reader's interest, and then motivate her to click the embedded link.

If the article body acts as the bait, then the resource box must act as the hook. Every fisherman knows that good bait is essential, but a sharp hook is what catches the fish.

Here are a few tips toward creating sharp article resource boxes that will reel in highly targeted prequalified website traffic and potential customers, without fail.

1- Pick at least one primary keyword or key phrase from the article body, and use it in the article resource box. That will serve the reader as a strong visual and mental trigger, as well as a lead in to the next set of information you want her to view.

2 - Where possible, use keywords and/or key phrases as the anchor text for resource box links. In other words, 'click here for more candle making tips' will prove much more effective than a link that says only 'click here to read more.'

3 - Clearly illustrate the benefit that the reader will receive simply by proceeding onward and clicking the link to the next page.

4 - Mention the author's name and/or the company name where appropriate, along with a few words to enhance credibility. As an example: 'Master candle maker Jane Doe has operated Doe & Doe Artistic Candles Studio since 1996.'

5 - Use the ad writing principles of attention, interest, desire, and action to craft the text of the resource box.

6 - All unnecessary and transitional words (and, the, or) should be edited out wherever possible.

7 - And finally, we suggest writing at least 3 to 5 versions of the resource box before choosing the final copy for publication.

Expert article writers regard fifty words or about five lines of text including the link - as the optimum length for a sharp resource box. More than that may actually reduce the overall effectiveness of the resource box, and the reader motivation it intends to create.

So, given that much needs to be said in a limited space with very few words, it almost goes without saying that the resource box must be as carefully crafted as any small classified type advertisement that one might insert for fee into any national publication.

While small in size, the article resource box remains as prime real estate in terms of driving prequalified website traffic. Don't underestimate the power that can be unlocked within five short lines of text.

Internet marketing expert Dan B. Cauthron has long been recognized for his No Nonsense approach to doing business on the net. Dan freely offers useful insight and online business wisdom at his main website:

Posted by get-paid98052 | 4:59 PM |

Article Marketing Secrets Exposed - Learn How To Promote Your Articles Online

One of the biggest aspects of article marketing that you need to learn how to master is the distribution of your articles. The main reason for this is that the more noise that you make in the marketplace the more successful the promotion of your website will be.

Now one of the most frequently questions that many marketers ask me is what is the best way to submit their articles. Is it to submit it to many of the directories or only the popular ones?

Based on my experience I would like go through some of the results that I experienced. When I first started using this method of marketing I was submitting my work to a number of directories. Now these backlinks from the directories did help my search engine rankings. I also found that more publishers actually published my articles consequently generating more quality one way links pointing to my website.

However, the disadvantage was that I did not get much traffic from these. I did get a few hits here and there, but I would not say that this was worth the time that I spent submitting to these directories.

So I have found the strategy of submitting to the most popular article directory gets me enough traffic without spending too much time submitting. In fact submitting alone can become a full time job if you do not manage it correctly.

If you do plan on submitting to some of the other directories I seriously suggest that you consider using software like Article Post Robot as this will save you a lot of time with your submissions.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 1:49 PM |

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Popular Ways to Jump Start Your Article Marketing

For most people, writing has never been their strongest skill. Even while in school a lot of us seem to exert tremendous amount of effort when writing essays and still fail to deliver content that makes sense and reads well. However, this should not be your basis when writing articles for the web. Because truth be told, article writing is a a lot easier than writing lengthy essay.

As such, you can still use article marketing in popularizing your website even if you are not a professional writer. Here are the 4 popular ways to jump start your article marketing:

1. Start writing 2-3 articles per day. Don't rush into multiplying the number of your articles. Stick with 2-3 articles until you get the hang of it. If you are having hard time putting your ideas into words, I suggest that you imagine someone asking you questions about the topic that you intend to write. Then, think of how you would exactly reply if you are talking to this person face to face. This is how you should exactly write your articles so they would sound conversational and easy to read.

2. Have your articles proofread by professional writers or editors. These people can help you identify the weak points of your articles that might hinder you from reaping success in this field. Take each of their feedback constructively and apply them on your writing until you are able to produce well-written articles.

3. Once you are able to write quality content, learn how to create a compelling resource box. There are various tutorials and ebooks online that can tremendously help you learn the ropes of writing resource box that delivers great results.

4. Lastly, create an account on major article submission sites and understand their terms of service. Make sure you follow all their rules so your articles will not be rejected.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 10:39 AM |

Internet Marketing Secret to Success

Ive always said there are no secrets in Internet Marketing. But sure there are. The Google search and quality score algorithms are secrets, pretty much, just as a quick example.

However, when someone is trying to sell you his latest greatest secret that got him a huge bank account, and he used those secret techniques never before revealed: Bah, humbug.

So, technically, the above headline is just to grab attention.

However if you arent aware of something, its a secret to you, so with that in mind, Id like to reveal my secret 8 steps to Internet Marketing success. Here are the steps you have to take to make it:

* Wanting

* Attempting

* Learning

* Believing

* Focusing

* Working

* Achieving

* Enjoying

I might have left something out in some situations, but for me, wanting, attempting, and learning consumed (as I wrote in my book) about 3 years of my life. Totally consumed it, in fact.

Then I finally learned what I needed to learn (for me it was Campaign Blasting), and I finally reached the step of believing.

The last 4 steps came in rapid succession.

Regardless of your current status, you can reach step 8, I have no doubt about it at all, if youre willing to do what it takes. I mentioned on our forum recently that I expect that most of our members are at least on step 3, and most are on step 6.

In reading posts on other forums, I see too many at step 1, and fear they will be there forever. For example, I saw a post the other day. The person wanted to earn $6,000 in 4 months, and he wanted suggestions. Someone gave him a good suggestion to try Bum Marketing, and his response was Im not interested in writing articles.

Uh, excuse me? Im not interested in getting out of a warm bed on a cold day, either, but some things require doing some things that you arent interested in doing.

Read the steps. Do the steps. Leave out a step and youre asking for trouble, IMO.

Where are you today? What can you do this month to get to the next step? Ask yourself how much it would be worth to you to get there. How much time? How much effort? How much money?

Step 4 (believing) can be the quickest to achieve, and the hardest to achieve, at the same time. Some people have a devil of a time because their guard is up, non believing all the hype around them. And that can be a good thing. But then again, if you believe everyone is a scammer and a liar, who will you choose for a mentor?

It sometimes takes an ah-ha moment like I had in 2005. I read a report written by someone that I knew and trusted. I said if he can do that, I can do that. And then, just like that, I did that. The rest is history.

For some people, believing doesnt happen until they see someone close to them do something amazing. Many know the story of Roger Bannister, the first person to run a mile in under 4 minutes. Prior to his accomplishing that, it was widely believed that no human being could perform that feat. Soon after he did it, several others did also.

What happened there? Did they become stronger or faster in a few weeks? Did they learn a new technique? No, not at all. All that happened was that suddenly they learned that running a mile in under 4 minutes was in fact humanly possible.

If he can do that, I can do that, they said. And they did that.

Youve heard it many times: "What the mind believes, it can achieve."

Easier said than done, I know. But there are techniques that speed up the process.

Dennis Becker is the author of a "5 Bucks a Day". In the book he divulges the life-changing strategy that took his Internet Marketing income from $30 per day to over $700 per day, including one project that netted a $38,000 profit in only 8 weeks time. Many readers have also changed their incomes by taking the simple action steps inside: 5 Bucks a Day, an Internet Marketing Strategy that works

Posted by get-paid98052 | 7:30 AM |

Submitting Articles for Internet Marketing

Why Submitting Articles is so Popular

Have you ever wondered why there are so many article directories online? How do they get so many good, helpful articles? I am going to share some information with you that is one of the best forms of marketing your ideas and products online. Submitting articles continues to be one of the most effective methods in bring attention to your concepts and the best part of it is, you submit articles free.

You can submit family law articles, father's day articles, leadership articles, business articles and health articles to article directories. The question you may have is WHY? Before I answer the "why" let me explain how. Submitting articles should always be for people to read and learn. The finest articles online are helpful and educational to readers. They do not engage in hardcore selling tactics. When you compose an article to submit to any reputable directory such as,, or, help your readers by sharing your genuine expertise. In the long run this strategy will pay off ten fold.

Now we have covered the how let's talk about why? Every article you write will have links back to your website. This allows readers to explore the subject further if they wish. Although link popularity seems to be a main motivational factor for submitting articles, there are many other benefits for aspiring writers. Here's a few...

Reasons for Submitting Articles?

Want a boat load of new visitors to your website? Create FREE sample offerings

Article marketing plays a big-time role in search engine marketing. When consumers do a business search for your product does your site show in the top ten? If you answered yes, congratulations. If you answered no, when is the last time you checked the ranking of your expert articles that you have submitted? You may be shocked to learn that your article submission is outranking your own website. Tie search engine article marketing into email marketing, investigate buying modes of people and you might just be pleasantly surprised with results. The results will be driven by your ability to create emotional content that leads your prospects through a smooth solution to their problem(s).

Emotional Writing

It is important that you write with emotion that relates to your readers. Let me help you understand my point. Emotional content writing requires research. It will take you a little longer to write an article that cries and laughs with your targeted readers but the ROI is well worth the extra time. Let's suppose that you want to write an article on buying a car. The model of the car is new, "The Frog BM 2000" (fictitious). Before writing this article, research what buyers and experts are saying. Go to a few forums that discuss your chosen topic and read what people are posting. Are they happy? Are they sad? Are they pi**ed off? If so why? Get a feel for the buyers that have taken delivery of their new "Frog BM 2000". Now that you can feel emotions from buyers you can write in their face. Relate to the problems you know they are experiencing. Warn new readers about these problems. Provide solutions for these problems. Do you see where I am going with this now? Once you master the art of emotional copy writing you are on a very intimate level indeed.

Don't Stop There!!

As a copywriter you can take it a step further and author your own e-book, then sell your book on eBay, ClickBank or through PPC search engine marketing. Find a business to business search engine like and purchase a directory listing for your novel or ebook. I have heard countless reports from good writers that swear by this.

Trying to get ranking on search engine result pages can be time consuming with no certainty. I recommend that you stop putting energy into deliberately gaming search engines and focus on marketing yourself to people through article submissions. Especially if you are submitting articles that are heavily duplicated. I recommend to STOP submitting the same article to multiple directories to avoid a potential duplication penalty. I personally find it best to focus content writing in areas that you are very knowledgeable in. Search engines will naturally pick up any expert article that people are flocking to...without any effort on your part AT ALL.

Directories, guides, on topic forums and blogging can bring more qualified traffic than any engine will ever bring. You may even find yourself in the position of getting a proposal from a search engine marketing company simply because they like your writing style. What next? Celebrate your success, take some time out, and spend it with your dog, cat, wife, husband, or children. You deserve it. But strike while the iron is hot! It is not time to claim victory and relax. When you strike a soft spot with people, determined only by the growing steady stream of readers to your article, expand on it. Offer more highly targeted solutions to problems YOU KNOW they are experiencing and start submitting articles that are sound solutions. There must be more you can find out about the "Frog BM 2000" that would be really helpful.

Watch the new visitors flock to your website.

What are a few of the types of writing an author should/ could practice?

Don't forget to always exercise article writing research on your theme topic.

It is time to laugh right to the bank for writers, health writers, writers on forums and general writer services. There are opportunities galore for people with the ability of writing with inspiration and emotion. Some of the common reasons authors engage in submitting articles include appealing to search engines, creating brand awareness, or deliver a viral message to the masses. But the more significant your information or theme according to your b2b marketplace is, the more meaningful the reading popularity of your article writing will be to readers.

Do you have a statement of purpose or a lesson plan?

If you don't you will need one, especially if you plan on being seen as an expert in your business writings. I recommend you take a zoomed out view of your expertise. What else is related? Expert article writing takes time, but once you have to right stuff you can almost name your price. Many authors ask where can I submit articles and get paid? The answer is many allow access to marketplaces that permit advertisers to compensate a writer for a quality write-up. One such example is But I still question the ROI compared to article marketing? In the long run becoming an expert writer at or any other well-respected article submission directory will bring a steady flow of targeted traffic to your site on a regular basis. For longevity I have no doubt that submitting articles in original form will win the race of effective marketing and deliver ongoing results.



John, the blog master for is a writer for a internet marketing help website that accepts article submissions only in original form. Authors that submit original (non-duplicated) are rewarded with many exciting perks for writers that share unique perspectives. More here

Posted by get-paid98052 | 4:23 AM |

Article Marketing Vs Traditional Methods Of Internet Advertising

In this article I would like to compare article marketing with other methods of internet advertising. The main reason for this is that traffic is the lifeblood of your internet business. Without traffic you cannot succeed.

Article marketing is my favourite form of generating traffic to my website. The main reason for this is that it is free. So I do not have to spend any money and whatever I money I make it is complete profit.

However, it is wise to always diversify your strategies. If for some reason one of your strategies is not working then you have a few others that will be and generating income for you.

I am a full time internet marketer so running my business is a very serious thing. If it is not generating money then I will not have money to buy food.

Originally I built my business with free advertising like search engines and article marketing. Now I have started marketing using safelists, co-registration, ppc and email marketing.

Each method takes a lot of work to get it to work. You need to track and test everything so that you maximize your earning. However, once you get one method to work you continually do it to grow your business and focus on the next.

This is the plan of action I suggest that you take. Use article marketing as a strong base. It will get you good search engine rankings and build your credibility as an expert in your specific niche market. Also as your articles become viral you will get traffic from many different sources. As you start making money reinvest a large part of those profits that you are making into paid advertising. So that one day if there is a big algorithm change on search engines you will not go out of business.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 2:16 AM |

Apr 29, 2008 Apr 30, 2008 May 1, 2008 May 2, 2008 May 3, 2008 May 4, 2008 May 5, 2008 May 6, 2008 May 7, 2008 May 8, 2008 May 9, 2008 May 10, 2008 May 11, 2008 May 12, 2008 May 13, 2008

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