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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Article Marketing and Duplicate Content - Is Mass Submission a Killer?

In the past, submitting your articles to as many article directories as possible was a very effective technique. The search engine algorithms were not nearly as complex as they are today and the multiple links were very valuable.

Today, mass article submission is not nearly effective. As a matter of fact, the search engines look at it as a form of spam. SEs like to see unique, quality content and the same article appearing on hundreds of sites is not unique.

Is mass article submission duplicate content? Actually in Googles eyes, it is not. But, that does not mean it is OK to mass submit and this is why. Google defines duplicate content as the same exact content on the same site. When they come across this there is no penalty, they will just index one of the pages and leave the other out of their index. Since articles are submitted to multiple websites and each page has a different style and layout, it is not duplicate content and many of the pages will get indexed.

So why not mass submit? Although many of your articles will get indexed, they will not receive as much weight in the SEs as they would if they were only submitted to a few authority sites. Is it possible for an article to rank high for a long tail keyword after being mass submitted? Absolutely but that same article would have ranked even higher if it were only submitted to the top few sites.

To sum it all up, do not mass submit. But, do not limit your submission to the top few article directories. Find some good ezines in your niche and ask for inclusion. If they like your article they may include it and that has the potential of bringing in a blast of target visitors. It is also a good idea to seek out a few authority websites in your niche that are not necessarily article directories. If you can get your big competitors to publish your articles on their site you can brand your name and be known as an expert in your field.

There are many factors that must be calculated in order to conduct a successful article marketing campaign. Hopefully I have laid one rumor to rest and you can use this newly obtained information to help better serve your home business.

Joshua Spaulding is an Author and Webmaster who has been educating Internet marketers on effective Article Marketing for over 2 years. Joshua invites you to take a look at the #1 Article Marketing Ebook on the market at where you can learn all of the advanced article marketing tips and trips that will drive loads of targeted traffic to your website or blog.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 9:00 PM |

Article Marketing - Your First Steps in Article Marketing

Would you like a free strategy for driving traffic to your web site? Would you like a free strategy for creating more prospects? Would you like a free strategy for building your list? Would you like to know a free strategy for creating more customers?

Would you like all these things even if you knew that these strategies slam dunk work?

Then article marketing is for you.

Now, here are your first steps in article marketing.

Step 1 - Write a great quality article. Offer good information that your reader can use right away. Help them to know, like and trust you.

Step 2 - Write a great resource box that invites the reader to take an action. Ask them and guide them to click on the links back to your web site or blog.

Step 3 - Have the reader go to a page in your web site where they opt-in with their email address to get something of value that you are offering for free.

Step 4 - Take really good care of the people on your list. Stay in touch with them. Ask them what they want to learn and then deliver it.

Step 5 - Offer the people on your list your quality products and services.

Step 6 - Rinse and repeat. In other words, do this over and over again.

This simple six step process will drive more traffic to your web site, create more prospects, build your list and create more customers.

So please tell me why you would not want to jump right away into article marketing.

With your permission, I'd like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates to help you get started in Article Marketing. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy and

Posted by get-paid98052 | 5:41 PM |

Increase Website Traffic - Get a Website Traffic Increase With Article Marketing

Are you looking for a way to create lasting targeted traffic that will convert into sales? Do you want to build a funnel of traffic to your website, blog, or affiliate links? There is one great way to increase website traffic that is easy and free. You can get a website traffic increase with article marketing by following the steps below.

Start with step one, which is to pick your niche. This can be anything you want, but the best choices are always things that you know something about and have a passion for. After you choose your niche you need to figure out what you are going to write about. You should also set a goal for how many articles you are going to write each week.

The second step is to start writing. You should write and submit one article at a time. It is best to start with 2 or 3 of the top article directories (Ezine Articles, Search Warp, and Go Articles), then after you have wrote and submitted a few articles you can take one and submit it all over the web to every single free article directory you can find.

The last step is to write some more. You will never get the increase in website traffic that you are after if you just write a few articles. You need to be submitting new articles on a regular basis. Articles have a life cycle that starts with a good amount of views and traffic for you right off the bat, then they fall in the directories and your traffic will come slower, but from time to time you will get website traffic increases from newsletters and other sites using your articles.

The article writing and marketing game is not a hard one to play. You will see a real website traffic increase in about a month or two of writing and you will see an increase in website traffic right off the bat when you submit your articles. The best part is articles never go anywhere and the longer they are out there the better chance they will spread across the web and increase your website traffic even more.

Increase your Website Traffic with Article Marketing. Discover how to get a website traffic increase and find all the secrets to Article Marketing:

Posted by get-paid98052 | 2:22 PM |

Unlock The Secrets To Creating An Authority Website Using Article Marketing

Are you achieving the results that you want from your home business? In this article I am going to address one of the reasons most people do not succeed online. To succeed you need a lot of targeted traffic. Newbies usually spend a fortune on ppc marketing or advertising methods that cost a lot.

So because of this they do not give themselves the opportunity to experiment and learn how to do things the right way. After they have wasted huge amounts of cash on advertising that does not work for them they quit thinking that internet marketing does not work.

So let us look at one of the best ways to build a stable internet business for long term results. You need to have a quality website that the search engines love. Imagine getting ten thousand or twenty thousand visitors to your website from search engines a month.

In this article I am going to look at how to build an authority website. First of all you need to choose your niche market. Once you have your niche market you need to build a large content website that the search engines will love.

The easiest way that you can do this is in the form of blog as it allows you to focus on completely on the content and not on updating a website. Write articles at least five times a day and update your blog. The search engines like this because you are providing fresh useful content.

Now the search engines regard link popularity as the main factor in determining your search engine rankings. The best way to do this is to write a lot of articles focusing on your niche market and submit them to the major article directories providing you one way links to your website. Your articles will also become viral and you will get links from websites that publish it subsequently increasing your link popularity and search engine rankings.

Once you get traffic to your website you need to decide on the best way to monetize that traffic.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 10:58 AM |

Article Marketing - How To Spit Out Unique Articles Without Writing A Word

Article marketing has become so useful and popular among businesses that even this marketing strategy is starting to be a market! How? People are starting to offer article templates, discussions and others for article marketers to either buy or trade with. For article marketers, this is a really good thing since they would not have to rack their brains out for fresh ideas and they would even save time in writing their articles.

A new innovation was also made in order to satisfy this flourishing strategy. Some websites are offering subscriptions that will give you tons of fresh ideas, articles, templates and strategies on how you can make your article marketing more competitive and easier to maintain.

Others also offer software that instantly rewrites articles you got from your subscription. You can either reword or collate different articles into one. In this way, you only get the juiciest parts of the articles and make them into one simple, interesting and short article. This is a very good thing since most web users look for fast information. If you have an article that gives this, you can be sure that your website will be viewed. Here are some of the things that you can get from these kind of subscriptions.

It offers hundreds of articles

Subscription offers hundreds of new articles every month. If you think you know everything about your business, reading these articles would help you out to check the realm of the world you are trying to scale. In this way, the things you learn can be applied in your article writing, or you can even use these articles for posting on your website. But of course, plagiarism might get in the way. What you can do is to collate these ideas, and then reword them in order to give it a fresh style and meaning.

It offers templates, headers and advices

Aside from the hundreds of articles that you will receive, the subscription also offers different styles and advices that you can take when you create your article. For example, the tips include how to make your articles more visible to search engines, how to optimize your webpage and other strategies that you can take to improve the visibility not only of your articles but also your website. Proper strategies in giving the title of articles, managing the body of the write up and making an interesting ending are just part of the several advices and tips that you can get.

It's cheap and subscription is limited

If you are a serious marketer, subscribing on this deal is not much of a cost in your end. You can use it thoroughly and you can really get your money's worth. Aside from this, subscription is limited too. In that way, you can be sure that the sources you are getting and the articles you receive can only be used by several other people. This means the availability of the information is limited and therefore, making your websites more visible to others.

It gives you the latest information

A good businessman must know the latest information on his field. With knowledge of the latest information, you can make the right decisions at crucial moments. Even if you are just a small time farmer or a store owner, you should know the latest news and information about the products and the materials that you use. Like for example in farming, there might be latest strategies on how to plant a certain product better and can help your crop yield. These things are included in the package. In that way, you can stay ahead of the pack.

Article marketing is a really effective and interesting strategy. Not only does it gives you customers, but you also learn a lot regarding your business since you feed yourself with information that you use in your write-ups. This is definitely a win-win approach in making your business more profitable and enjoyable. If you are starting your journey in article marketing, finding these software and subscription will greatly help you in learning the business and getting the vital information when you need it.

Femi invites you to visit his site for starting a VERY successful home business using the power of article marketing at Break Neck Profits Learn how article marketing has made him profits of up to $600 per day by visiting this link right now:

Article Writing

Posted by get-paid98052 | 7:37 AM |

Profitable Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Nifty Ways to Amplify Your Article Marketing

If you are looking for ways on how you can amplify our article marketing strategies, I'd say start with the quality of your articles. Give your readers get reading experience by giving them content that they will find useful, well-written, and relevant to their pressing issues. When you are able to consistently do this, you will easily earn the trust of online users and you can quickly convert them to your potential clients.

For more nifty ways on how you can advance in article marketing, read on!

1. Quantity. The number of your articles plays crucial role in the success of your article marketing campaign because it determines the number of inbound links that you can obtain for your website. It is of outmost importance that you strive to multiply the number of your output so you can impart more knowledge to your readers and easily augment your page ranking.

2. No ads. I would understand your urge to promote your products in every avenue possible, but let me just tell you that pitching your offerings on your content will not do you any good. Why? When people open an article, they are expecting to get the information they need, answers to their questions, or solutions to their pressing issues and not blatant advertisements.

3. Make them interesting to read. Insert figures, numbers, statistics, researches, studies, or reputable resources as they add credibility to your content. Write in a conversational tone to put your readers at ease and strive to make them laugh or feel valued by connecting them to your content.

4. Continuously hone your writing skills. Never stop learning and strive to give your readers better articles each time you write through constant practice and by consistently reading articles and ebooks that can teach you how to improve on your craft.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 4:16 AM |

Apr 29, 2008 Apr 30, 2008 May 1, 2008 May 2, 2008 May 3, 2008 May 4, 2008 May 5, 2008 May 6, 2008 May 7, 2008 May 8, 2008 May 9, 2008 May 10, 2008 May 11, 2008 May 12, 2008 May 13, 2008

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