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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Article Income Secrets - You Can't Really Make Money Directly with Your Articles, Can You?

Article marketing is a great way to create a presence on the web, build back links to your web sites, drive visitors to your sites and build your list. These are all great benefits and enogh reason to get really good at article marketing.

Many people belief the benefits stop right there though. In fact, many internet marketers, who should really know better, will tell you that you cannot make money directly with your articles. I have three point about this advice that you may find useful.

3 Points about Article Income

1. They are wrong - I'm sure these folks mean well, and are not intentionally giving you wrong information. Having said that, they are wrong. Properly positioned, you can sell your individual articles on your web site and make more that most authors make for the sale of a book in a bookstore. Properly repurposed, you can create multiple products and multiple streams of income with your articles.

2. They are your competition - Now we could try to convince these folks that they are wrong and try to get them to see the right way to do things. But why? I think it is better to let them go on believing their wrong information because they are your competition.

3. This is a good thing - The fact that these folks are wrong coupled with the fact that they are your competition is a good thing! Your job is to go ahead and let them believe what they believe while you are making money with your articles!

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Posted by get-paid98052 | 11:30 PM |

Online Article Submission Sites and Editor Choice Strategies Considered

It appears to that there are some professional writers who wish to have the online article submission sites that the post on upgraded and to only list extremely well-written articles. They would at very least request that they receive a preference so their articles are not lost in the masses of all the articles submitted.

Why do they request this? Because it will help their article marketing efforts and they feel they are much better writers and their articles have much more worthy information in them. Their hopes are to get their information displayed in such a way to help the reader find them over all the others.

Of course we know that people come in from the Google, MSN, Yahoo search engines directly to the article and that these search engines spider sites like this constantly. So in reality all articles whether they are marked "Excellent" or Editor's Choice in the end will be seen fairly equally as the reader clicks into the site.

A few expert authors have made comments that better articles might be available for browsing the list and reiterated the concept of "Editor's Choice" a concept which has been bantered about for almost a year now at the top online article submission site. It appears that many others online article authors like this idea?

For me personally as a reader and seeker of information, I know when I find a great article with good content, I look up the author and read all their articles on the subjects I am interested in learning about at that time and surf their various websites too, so all that makes sense to "me" personally, although others might disagree.

A software system with Artificial Intelligence that might be able to pick out great articles is intriguing because it could go thru all the 580,000 articles on let's say the top online article submission that are already posted and put a "star" or something by them to help readers more easily find them.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Posted by get-paid98052 | 8:24 PM |

Incredible Article Marketing Case Study - Brain Picking Secrets That I Have Learned

Article marketing is one of my favourite methods of traffic generation. The reason for this is that it generates the highest quality lead possible.

I have just noticed that I have written over 580 articles. These have created 58,000 page views, 4510 url clicks to my squeeze page and been published 2,500 times. These are really amazing statistics and I have just gotten going with my article marketing efforts.

In this article I would like to go through the lessons that I have learned from this. When I first started out I was not so sure what to expect from article marketing.

The one most valuable lesson that I have learned from all of this is that it takes time to develop skill. I remember when I started out I really was terrible at writing. As I continually did this I gradually improved. Over time you get better and better. However, when you first start out it will seem like a very big hurdle that you need to climb.

The biggest disappoint about this method of promoting your website is that after 100 articles you may not see that fantastic results yet. However, keep on going the results will be worth it over time. As you continue your results will get better and better. This is a long term strategy and if you are looking for quick results I do not suggest that you attempt this at all because you will totally get frustrated.

Now the most important part of marketing this way is that your leads are a lot more responsive and more likely to buy from you. One of the biggest problems with building a list is actually getting people to buy from you. It is not as easy as what people say. People only buy from other people that they like, know and trust.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 5:16 PM |

Autopilot Article Marketing

Lots has been said about article marketing in the internet marketing circles. There are many mentors who have been able to sell millions of dollars worth of e-books on how to do article marketing. Mentors aren't the only ones making money. Web script writers are making money off of promoting software which create directories for articles.

But does article marketing work?

The answer to that question varies, depending on who you ask.

But here's my opinion.

Let me begin by telling you that I started article marketing six months ago. In that short amount of time, I have written numerous articles and have been featured in as many as 70 different directories. And through some of these directories, I've received RSS feeds, which allows my articles to get onto many other websites. Some of my article titles have received as many as 10,000 results in a search engine directory.

Several of my websites have zoomed to the number one position in various top search engines. Although I have done other things to acquire higher ranking in search engines, I feel that article marketing has done a majority of the work for me. But more than that, autopilot article marketing is the reason for my success with articles.

Here is how I implement autopilot article marketing.

I start off by writing things that I know about. The first article I wrote was promoting a website about home organization. I discussed organizing your home, a topic that I was know was very popular, but wasn't too familiar with. Now that I am more familiar with this process, I write articles about things that tend to work for me and information that I "do" know about.

The question you may be asking yourself is, "how can I create an autopilot article marketing campaign?" Here's how. You need to just jump right in, and write about what you know. Autopilot article marketing may be the ticket to helping your business get to the next level.

Make it easier to keep track of the spread of your article on the internet by making sure that you create an article title that is not already in use. Just before I submit an article, I place quotes around the title of my article and plug it into If google's search comes up with something, then I'll choose another title until my search comes up with "no results". If you do have an article title with "no results", you will be able to keep track of the sites that are hosting your article. After you have submitted the article, wait several days and do a search using the article title. Continue to do this every couple of days. If you submit between 10 to 15 different directories, you will be amazed by the results.

Write about something you know about. Make sure you have more knowledge on the topic than the average reader, otherwise you'll probably want to change your topic. Give the readers something they don't already know. Do you research and write a unique article... it'll pay off in the long run.

Write with comfort and ease. Keep it simple. Today's internet reader is click ready, meaning if the article is tough to read, then they will click out of it and go on to the next article. Keep your tone friendly, but informative.

Keep your articles short - between 500 to 750 words. Remember, your reader more than likely has a very short attention span. Give them the information quickly and in a direct manner. You'll have a greater chance of keeping your reader's attention, and getting them to click your links in your resource box.

Be sure to include a link to your site at the end of each article every time. Not only will this help bring visitors to your squeeze page or sales offer, but it will also help build backlinks to your site. Remember to give your readers a powerful call to action to get them to act immediately to your offer.

If you follow steps 1-5 above, you should soon see profits roll in. Now take a portion of those profits and buy articles. And continue to do so with the profits of those articles. This leaves you free to focus on other forms of marketing. By re-investing your profits into articles, you create a never ending income stream of more articles (which leads to profit in and of themselves) and profit to purchase more articles. This is the autopilot article marketing technique.

In my experience, autopilot article marketing has been (and continues to be) a fantastic income generator for me. To take advantage of autopilot article marketing yourself, make sure to write about what you know, with the right title, and in a conversation manner. Remember to keep your articles short and include a resource box with a call to action. Then, when you earn profits from your articles, re-invest it to create more articles, more traffic, and more income. Then, simply rinse and repeat. Good Luck.

Dramatically increase your internet income by checking out our free report now. I reveal all the secrets I've personally used to triple the money I've made since being a school teacher. Go to right before we wise up and decide to no longer reveal our secrets!

Be Perceived as an Expert When Writing Your Articles

Posted by get-paid98052 | 2:07 PM |

Easy and Quick Marketing With Your Articles

Content writing or article writing is gaining popularity with each passing day and this growing popularity is teamed with article marketing. Why article or content marketing is so popular and effective? Lets give a look to this:

Article marketing is a multi-faceted asset. If it is effectively used, it can certainly give your business website a much required boost and punch. Article marketing usually do:

1- Advertising: The first and foremost work done by article marketing is advertising. You can post your articles in various article directories as they emerge one of the most powerful advertising medium. In the guise of and valuable information packed resource, it can contain text links to your website.

2- SEO or Search Engine Optimization: Posting your articles to directories potentially create hundreds or even thousands of one-way back links targeted to your business website. This is a major boost when it comes to SEO for any search engine whether it is Google, Yahoo, MSN, Lycos, and many more. As your article gets re-published regularly by content hungry web masters, you bio-box and link get posted too.

3- Link Building: The link mentioned in your resource box or author bio-box, can be used to build a list of targeted consumers looking for services provided by you. Slowly you earn credibility and become branded. Moreover, you can recommend other products and services you are promoting. This results in increasing sales.

4- Credibility: Last but not the least is credibility. As you post more and more articles, you are branded as an expert in your field. People will not just listen to you but they also get influenced by you when you are recommending a particular product or service. It is often quoted that a potential consumer should be exposed to your product or services 3 - 7 times before they buy your products. The trust and credibility built by you can cut this in half. Always remember that credibility is a fragile thing, so don't break it rather make it.

You should write quality and a good article, so that people are attracted towards your work. It doesn't have to be great, but yes, it should be devoid of misspelled words, broken links, wrong information, and grammatical errors. In short, your content must sound professional to the reader. Point to remember: Your company image, your credibility, and your business are on stake, so protect them like your life depends on it because it actually does.

The author is dynamic web content writer and budding SEO. He has got the experience in writing quality content for various websites and getting them optimized too. You can view his website for more information.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 10:58 AM |

Article Marketing - Key Words? What Are They and How Do They Relate to Article Marketing? Part IV

In the previous articles you learned a lot about key words and how they are used as tools by people who are looking for information. Then we found out that just about everything on the internet is tracked. Because of this, we are able to learn more about what people are looking for and we can even see how many websites there are trying to supply information, products or services to the people that are looking.

Let's make up a scenario based on what we have learned and how it would be used in real life. This is just a fictitious example. Let's say I decided I wanted to promote an affiliate program for website hosting. I am just going to lay out for you what my train of thinking would be.

I do some key word research and I come up with 200 key words related to website hosting. After researching those words, I find 30 that aren't looked up the most, because all of the most searched words had too much competition. But I found 30 that are looked up regularly but don't have the huge numbers of suppliers with sites with those key words.

Now I do some research on those 30 words, and make sure I have plenty of good information and get a very strong understanding of the ins and outs of hosting. Then I write 3 articles for each key word, using the key word in the title of each article. I do this assuming that the hosting company that I have chosen to sign up as an affiliate for, has a very good product, and an excellent sales letter already provided for their affiliates (me).

Now here is the magic of article marketing. First, even if I knew a fair amount about my topic before, you can just imagine how much better I know the topic after I have written almost 100 articles. Second, I put a squeeze page in between my article readers and my hosting company.

How do I do this? I write a quick sales letter offering a free report on the ins and outs of choosing a web hosting company. This is easy, because I just wrote almost 100 articles. And now, I get the name and email address of everyone that clicks one of my links in my articles to get the free report before reading the sales letter of the hosting company.

Now you might be asking yourself, did I miss something? Is it really that easy? Why does this work? How do paying customers get to my affiliate link to buy web hosting? Next I will explain this to you from the customer's perspective because that is how you will see just how good it really does work.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 7:49 AM |

Apr 29, 2008 Apr 30, 2008 May 1, 2008 May 2, 2008 May 3, 2008 May 4, 2008 May 5, 2008 May 6, 2008 May 7, 2008 May 8, 2008 May 9, 2008 May 10, 2008 May 11, 2008 May 12, 2008 May 13, 2008

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