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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Article Marketing is Your Best Viral Marketing Tool

The word viral marketing is tossed around right and left in internet marketing. Viral Marketing is a phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message.

Viral marketing depends on a high pass-along rate from person to person. If a large percentage of recipients forward something to a large number of friends, the overall growth snowballs very quickly. If the pass-along numbers get too low, the overall growth quickly fizzles.

If you can get something to go viral on the internet with a link back to a site you are promoting you can write your own paycheck.

Article marketing is one method of viral marketing. There are thousands of websites, blogs and ezine publishers begging for content. To get your article into publishers hands you will need to submit them to article directories, forums and newsgroup announcement lists.

There are hundreds of article directories that let you freely publish your articles to their sites. You can search of these directories using your favorite search engine. Some of the top directories include:

Ezine Articles

Idea Marketers


What makes an article become a viral marketing tool?

Relevant information - information that is right on the pulse of whats going on in your niche. For instance Google is hot, hot, hot right now in internet marketing. There are thousands of internet marketing articles on how to earn from Google. If you are a smart internet marketer you find something linked to Google and grab on because everyone is selling it and everyone is buying it. If you cant think up new material on Google or dont have an original idea dont worry you can still participate. If you have recently purchased a Google related product write a review. People will appreciate the feedback. If it is a popular product there are people doing keyword searches for that specific product and possibly finding your review.

No matter what niche you are in find the hot topics and write new information about the topic or write a product review. The hotter the topic, the more people are looking for it. Publishers are going to be more willing to publish a hot topic item that is well written.

Your bio must be up to par and fit in with the theme of your article. Nothing would be worse than to write a killer viral marketing article and that is passed around like a hot potato only to get no traffic because of a bad byline.

Charity Adams Has developed been developing online marketing campaigns since 1997. For specific details on developing a success viral marketing campaign using article marketing techniques visit

Posted by get-paid98052 | 6:47 PM |

Article Marketing Tip - Announcing The Very Best Article Marketing Tip Ever

Okay, it's no secret that article marketing is one of the best way to get thousands of dollars in free advertising for your internet business. It's also know that article marketing is becoming more and more popular amongst internet marketers which means that the competition is at an all time high.

So how in the world can a newbie to article marketing get in on some the action and actually benefit from writing and submitting articles as a way of getting free traffic and advertising?

Well, here is the best article marketing tip ever given and if you use it, you are guaranteed to explode your traffic, sales, and efforts. The tip is this: Use each and every article that you write and submit as way to build your opt in list.

That's it. The best article marketing tip you will ever get. If you use your articles as a way to collect the name and email address of a percentage of the readers, you will be in control of your own financial future.

There are many other article marketers that would argue this tip, especially those who are using bum marketing to bring in sales for affiliate products. You know what bum marketing is don't you? That's where you write and submit a batch of articles centered around a particular product.

Then at the end of the article, you send them readers to the product web site. If they buy, you make money if they don't, you lose. This is where many people in my opinion are making the biggest mistake ever.

Why spend your time and energy on the hope of the one time sale when you drive that same reader to your simple opt in squeeze page, offer them a great free ebook or report, get their name and email address, then follow up with them forever.

If you use article marketing to build your build a large responsive opt in list, you will profit from it for as long as you want. Give it a try and see the results for yourself.

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"How To Quickly And Easily Build An Opt In List Of Hyper Responsive Subscribers Who Are Willing To Spend Money With You Right Now!"

Gary has been a successful, full time internet marketer for over 11 years. He has created list building campaigns that have earned as much as $22,000 in a single day. If you want to know how to build a hyper responsive list and squeeze it for every penny you can, then listen to what Gary says.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 10:02 AM |

How To Submit Articles That Provide Both Traffic And Income

I do most of my advertising with article marketing. It is a method that works for me. I enjoy writing and I can do it rather quickly. And the articles that I submit today will continue to work for many months. By submitting on a daily basis, it has a compounding effect.

I try to submit 3 articles every day. And the beauty of it is in the compounding effect. On day one, I have 3 articles that are attracting readers. By day twelve, 36 of them are attracting viewers. By day 30, 90 articles are out there working. It doesn't stop.

By I don't stop there. I insist that my articles work overtime. In addition to submitting to the traditional directories, I also submit them to a number of revenue sharing sites. It only takes an extra minute to submit to them, and it is certainly worth the extra time. These sites deliver just as much traffic to my site as traditional directories and pay me a very nice monthly dividend besides. I get the best of both worlds, traffic and income.

Because I submit so frequently, I am among the top contributors on several of these revenue sharing sites. And the more articles you have on their directory, the more money you make. I wish every directory shared their revenue.

If you are just submitting your articles to traditional directories, your articles are not working up to their maximum potential. Some of the revenue sharing sites provide more traffic than many traditional directories. So regardless of whether are submitting articles for traffic or income, get the best of both worlds. Start submitting to the revenue sharing sites on a regular basis make your articles work overtime.

Do you want to learn more about how I make money? Get my Free ebook entitled, How To Make Money Every Day!

Free ebook - Make Money Every Day

FREE - List of the Top Revenue Sharing Sites

Make Money Writing - It Can Make You Wealthy

Posted by get-paid98052 | 6:53 AM |

Article Marketing And How It Works

It is an established fact that Article Marketing works by a large number of Internet Marketers in wide variety of niches. This has been repeatedly proven. However, those who have not ever attempted article marketing tend to think that it is harder or more time consuming than it actually is.

Starts by writing an article. This can be done by yourself or you can hire a ghost writer. The cost of ghost written articles is usually less than $10.00 for a 300 to 500 word article. It is important that the article be informative and related to your niche. The article should not sound like a sales letter.

At the end of the article, you include your 'resource box.' A resource box is simply information about the author, and it usually includes a link to the authors related website, a link to subscribe to a newsletter, and possibly even an email address to contact the author. If your article is ghost written, you are still the author.

Underneath the resource box, you type a statement giving others the right to reprint the article for free, as long as they don't change it and keep your resource box attached. This allows others to help make your article viral.

Once the article is written, you should distribute it to as many article directories as you can find. It helps to also send the article to ezine publishers within your niche for consideration. You can find lists of ezines in the various ezine directories that are available on the Internet.

There is article-submission software that can be used to speed up submitting your article in. One example of this type of software is Instant Article Submitter at . There are also services that will manually submit your article to directories. This is highly recommended because many article directories do not allow and will not accept articles submitted with software. One such recommended article submission service is We Submit Articles at: .

Submitting the articles yourself is a time consuming task. If you can hire someone else to do that work, you will have more time overall to concentrate your efforts on other marketing tasks, including producing more articles.

You can get more quality informations in this 5-part minicourse "How To Formulate A Successful Internet Marketing Strategy".

Posted by get-paid98052 | 3:44 AM |

Apr 29, 2008 Apr 30, 2008 May 1, 2008 May 2, 2008 May 3, 2008 May 4, 2008 May 5, 2008 May 6, 2008 May 7, 2008 May 8, 2008 May 9, 2008 May 10, 2008 May 11, 2008 May 12, 2008 May 13, 2008

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