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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Article Marketing - How to Build an Empire Writing Five Articles a Month

Do you offer a truly brilliant product or service? Do you wish you had more leads to sell it to? Do you need to drive more revenue so you have cash on hand to spend on implementing better and better ideas, or to bring on additional staff? If you are answering "yes" to these questions, YOU NEED A MORE EXCEPTIONAL ONLINE PRESENCE THROUGH ARTICLE MARKETING!

With so much business and research being done on the internet these days, you absolutely have to be found there, and found at least a hundred different ways. Anything less and you are missing out on TONS of business that you could be creating! Do you have any idea how much more revenue you could be generating if you took the time to craft a well written article marketing campaign?

I'm telling you it's millions! Let me show you how...

For the purpose of this article, we will already assume that your website does an exceptional job of describing the pain of your customers (what are they looking for?), presenting your credentials (to help the visitor see why you are qualified to solve their problems), and providing the solutions to your customer's everyday problems. We'll assume that it is filled with calls to action (provocative statements intended to poke the visitor into doing something) and opt-in opportunities (ways for you to collect visitor's contact info).

If your website does not yet include all of these elements address these issues first!


When people have a question, they go to Google, Yahoo or MSN and they type in a list of keywords or keyword phrases. The words they type determine the list that comes up on the search engines and it is there that magic can happen. YOUR WORDS CAN APPEAR! Are they up there now?

TIME OUT: Go to a search engine and type in the keywords someone might use if they were looking for someone to solve the problem that your business solves. Do you come up as the solution? Do you come up in the organic list? Do you come up multiple times?

If not, keep reading!


When someone is looking for a business like yours, does your voice ring out from the heavens, providing guidance, words of wisdom, and words of inspiration? Does Google bring them to your front door and invite them in to look around? Articles are like little sales people, and brilliantly, they are little sales people that you only have to hire one time to work for you FOREVER. Let me say that again, because you probably didn't hear me. Articles work for you FOREVER. F-O-R-E-V-E-R.

The reason I emphasize this is because of the power of article marketing. Every time you put together an article and send it out onto the internet, you are putting in place a sales person that will forever deliver your message. Do that again and again and you are putting out a SALES FORCE -each of which you pay only once!




Like the law of compounding interest with money - repeatedly putting out articles onto the internet will exponentially create value and generate more and more leads for your business. If you can commit to five articles per month, at the end of three months, you'll have FIFTEEN (15) sales people talking your talk and introducing searchers to your message and your SOLUTION to their problem. After six months, you've got thirty (30) of these sales people. At the end of one year, you'll have sixty (60). After two years, you'll have ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY, and...

After three years, YOU'LL HAVE NEARLY 200 SALES PEOPLE delivering different and exceptional messages about your business. And the most wonderful thing, is that they are all little replicas of you. So they are consistent. They deliver different messages, present different solutions, cover different topics, but they all express your unique methodology and the core values and spirit of YOUR business.

If you were to submit five articles per month, and generate $30,000 per month in revenue, after three years, and one hundred and eighty articles you have the potential of driving $360,000 of monthly revenue. Yes, I said MONTHLY revenue. That's more than 4 MILLION in annual revenue. Are you kidding me? So why aren't more people utilizing article marketing? The answer is - they are. But they are writing terrible articles!!!!! And they are killing their businesses, because each article they are sending out is doing BAD business for them, and doing it FOREVER!


Here are five things your article marketing MUST do! (Are you taking notes?)


We are a snippet society. We read everything in headlines from newspaper stories, to search headlines, to book titles. Titles grab us or they don't. Make sure that yours is clever, provides the solution to the reader's problem, and utilizes your keywords!


Look at the first paragraph of this article. Did it draw you in? Did it help you to determine that this article had value? Make the opening emotionally impacting by grabbing the reader's attention and identifying with their PAIN!


It must offer them a solution to their problem. GIVE AWAY YOUR SECRETS! Don't be afraid to give your reader what they need for FREE. Chances are they are going to recognize that they would rather work with an expert than try to solve this problem on their own. Give someone a fish and they have dinner tonight. Teach them to fish and they can feed themselves forever. But open a grocery store down the street and chances are, they'll buy the fish from you. People only have so much time in their days and if they find a trustworthy source that can make their life easier or their business more profitable, they are going to take you up on it!


The search engines are going to identify each article by the words within it. So you have to be thinking about how people are going to find you. What words are they going to use in their searching? There are so many resources on the net that can help you determine the right keywords. Find one and use it. Then repeat those words throughout your article (just shy of being irritating about overusing them) and you'll find greater success!


Lead the reader to do something. Whether it be to download your eBook, call you directly, or click onto your website. Typically, you want to lead them to the next thing they can get for FREE. People like FREE. So lead them to your website, where they can download an eBook that solves this same problem but in more depth, or better yet, offer them a FREE strategy session if they contact you by email. Make it easy for them, like "Hey, I'll even have my assistant set up a time for me to talk to you directly for 20 minutes about ways you can build your business based on these principles. FREE."

Wishing you the best in business and the best in life.

Corey Blake the co-author of "EDGE! A Leadership Story" (Morgan James, 2008), is President of Writers of the Round Table, a strategic literary development company.

Visit us at or email me right now:

Tell me you want 20 minutes of my time to discuss how we can help you set up an article creation program that DRIVES YOU REVENUE!

Posted by get-paid98052 | 10:47 PM |

Revealing Article Marketing - 7 Strategies For Shocking Profits with Article Marketing

It's your job to provide your readers with profound information if you're going to have any success online with article marketing or anything else online today.

I'd like to offer you a fast condensed, brief crash course on article marketing and writing and quickly demonstrate to you how these little "viral cash generating machines" can quickly increase your traffic and sales.

Stay focused on your niche topic and provide useful information and you will have mind-blowing results...

Here are 7 very effective strategies for explosive article marketing:

1. Quality is most important! Do your research and write your marketing articles to educate your readers.

2. Folks like it when you're specific... so give them specifics. Offer links to additional resources if needed.

3. Use popular search engines like Google and Yahoo to read over similar articles and find websites focused on your subject to research your topic.

IMPORTANT: There's nothing illegal or unethical about using information you've discovered from another article or website to create an article of your very own. Just remember -- NEVER copy someone else's work word for word. This is copyright infringement. You can take notes from an informative article you've read and use that information to write your own article just as long as you put things into your own words.

4. List everything you already know about this subject in an easy to reference list.

5. Next, go to Google and do a few searches on the topic. I'm sure you'll find several listings related to the subject. Yes, you might have to be clever in your search, but rest assured -- you'll find the info if you dig deep enough.

6. Then, read over the best of those articles and websites you find and make yourself an ultra-resourceful list on your topic.

7. Finally, take your notes and construct your own marketing article in a simple, easy to read format.

Dean Shainin has helped hundreds of Internet marketers create wealth from their own online information product empire using article marketing tactics, secrets and techniques. Grab your free 10 page PDF Ebook from his "Secret Bum Marketing Golden Article Writing Formula" loaded with tactics and secrets at:

Posted by get-paid98052 | 9:07 PM |

Article Marketing - Your Marketing Power!

One of the most important marketing tools available online to promote your business cannot be purchased You can spend hours on end looking all over the internet for the best program or system to market your product or service but truth be told, the answer is right there where you are sitting. Yes! You are the answer to viral marketing.

This marketing strategy costs only your time, your commitment and discipline to produce well written articles with information people are seeking. You are an expert. Share your expertise and build a following for your knowledge while creating a market for your offerings online!

Honestly, it doesnt matter if you are on a music or parenting site. We all browse through websites for advice and articles that will solve our life problems, explain lifes mysteries, make our lives easier, less cluttered, and show us how to be more successful in relationships and business. We stumble across articles that help us, that answer our questions.

Have you ever found an article that when you finish reading it, you have this sudden feeling of rightness? After experiencing a writers viewpoint, you understand something that baffled you. When a writer clicks with the reader, it is a reflex for the reader to want to know more about the author. Reader automatically searches for more writings by the author. Why? The author answered something for you!

Articles truly are the most powerful marketing tool you can use to sell yourself as a business. Power? Yes! Marketing Power.

Online articles allow you to market yourself as knowledgeable, helpful, and consistent and willing to take the time to share what you know to friends you havent met yet. This is power to develop relationships on-line. Through articles we can develop friendships, business contacts, customers, and online credibility. There is no need to sell yourself or your business within the article. Simply share your knowledge, your thoughts and ideas.

Selling occurs outside the article in the resource box. A great deal has been written on how to sell within the resource box. What exactly does this little blurb of information about the author provide the reader? The resource box allows the reader to know the author on a more personal note. Being able to identify with the authors role as single mom or work from home dad is a powerful human connector!

You create an image of the author but want to know if the image holds, so you click to visit their website or subscribe to receive their free e-mail course, maybe even download of their latest e-book. Each of these clicks brings you closer to the author. You feel connected and will remember them.

A single encounter with an author online doesnt usually make an immediate impact but after the second or third time you read yet another of this same authors articles found on yet another website. You take notice. You realize this is a person to look up!

Just think about this.

Finding a great article that explains multi-level marketing, affiliate programs, baking home-made bread or how to potty train your resistance 3 year old can be a literal bright spot in your day! You open your mailbox and a friend has sent you a poem or story that had been forwarded to them. That in a nutshell is viral marketing.

Over time you will notice websites, article banks and e-zines publishing articles by these same authors that have already helped you in some way. You mentally filed their name and maybe even their website to back of your mind as a positive. You find security in reading their latest article because you feel you already know that author on some level.

So if you share great stories, articles, poems, writings with friends and customers online then you already know the power of words to influence and change lives. It can be a very overwhelming. The thought of writing for others to read can be scary. The joy comes in having someone send you an email or subscribe to your newsletter because you helped them with one of your articles. It is an important step in working from home. Developing a series of articles to help others to meet whatever challenges face them day to daythat is the goal and you will suddenly realize you are marketable.

Just as a musician has to strum their first chord before they can play in a band. The first step is the hardest but with practice you will see the power in your skills to share information others need or want. Now start writing!


Tammy Ames is owner of avid blogger. You are invited to come connect with Tammy on her business blog.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 6:56 PM |

Article Marketing Tips - Effective Methods

It's no secret that using articles is one of the best ways to market one's business, add credibility to a website and promote products. However, for you to be able to use articles as a marketing tool, you need to know how to market the articles in the first place, so that they maybe viewed by as many people as possible!

In this article we will discuss ten powerful and effective marketing tips that you can implement in order to unleash the true power of your articles!

Article Marketing Tips #1: Useful Information: When it comes to this type of marketing, keep in mind that the biggest reason why anyone will read your article is for information that will help them. So make sure you include some helpful information and minimize the amount of "fluff" or "padding" which is often used to maximize the word count.

Article Marketing Tips #2: KISS: In this case it means "keep it Short and Simple." When you write content or get it written for the internet and ezines, keep your articles precise and concise. This is important to hold the attention of your reader because unlike offline publications, reading off screens results in much shorter attention spans for your audience.

Article Marketing Tips #3: Name Games: When naming your article be sure to mention the main message or the main reason why people would read your article in the title itself.

Article Marketing Tips #4: Use Article Directories to the Fullest: One of the best ways to market your articles is to submit them to directories which already command a huge audience. The top five article directories in my book are:

1. EzineArticles
2. Articlesdynamic
3. Articlesinsync
4. Articlemarketer
5. Buzzle

Article Marketing Tips #5: Automate your Articles: Simply set up your articles on an autoresponder and use it to list all your articles!

Article Marketing Tips #6: RSS Feeds: Put your articles in RSS feeds and syndicate them to all parties who are interested. RSS works! Some examples are Google Blog Search, XML Sitemaps, and Microsoft's RSS Powered Longhorn etc.

Article Marketing Tips #7: Place Articles on Your Website: Position all your articles on your site. Not only does this help build trust and credibility but it will also attract tons of keyword based traffic from the search engines.

Article Marketing Tips #8: Use eBooks: This is a great viral technique that actually delivers. The idea is to position all your popular articles in an eBook that can be branded and distributed, for people to read refer to as many times as they want!

Article Marketing Tips #9: Use Affiliates: If you have affiliates, allow them to brand your articles using their affiliate IDs and promote them for you. In other words, use your affiliate's resources to market your articles as well!

Article Marketing Tips #10: Cross Link Your Articles: This means, you should cross reference your articles by placing links to your other articles in the article you are creating. If your link placement makes sense and content is helpful and not a blatant promotion of your other articles, then, there should be no reason why ezine webmasters or editors should object to your doing this.

So, to conclude, follow the above mentioned article marketing tips in mind and discover the true power of article marketing!

Raymond Nwambuonwo has been a contributing author for this website and is an acknowledged expert in the field of Article Writing and Submissions. He can be found on the internet at this website: Free Articles Submission

Raymond Nwambuonwo has been a contributing author for this website and is an acknowledged expert on articles in the field of Internet marketing. He can be found on the internet at this website:

Posted by get-paid98052 | 5:26 PM |

Article Marketing How Do You Make Money on the Articles

How can you make money on the articles? Unless you are writing articles to sell them, you're not going to make money from the articles directly. You're going to make money from your web-business. The web-business is going to make you money. The articles are the traffic. The articles, or the article-marketing, creates the traffic that is going to drive your web-business. You can think of article-marketing, or you can think of think of traffic as being the fuel that runs your web-business. The web-business is what makes you money. You make money when you sell things on your website. I've put another step in there and that's List-Building.

I develop a relationship, via List-Building, with people that come to my site. Rather than sending people to a sales page right away, I first build a relationship with people. Then, I find out what those needs are. Then, I direct people towards products that I've create that can meet their needs best. That's what we call the List-Building model, or the List-Building Web-Business Profit Model--that's what I use.

So the way that you are going to make money from the articles is by using the articles to drive traffic to your squeeze page on your web site, then you are going to use your squeeze page to create opt in subscribers, then you are going to actually make the money when the opt in subscribers buy from you.

The articles are the fuel, the squeeze page is the carburetor, and the opt in email list is the catalyst. You actually make money when people buy from you.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1400 articles in print and 10 published ebooks.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 3:14 PM |

Article Marketing Bootcamp: Anatomy of an "Article Marketing" Article

Headline or Article Title: Great Headlines are Keyword-Dense and Compelling!

Picking up where your headline left off, start with an opening paragraph that introduces your topic and pulls the reader in. For best search engine optimization, your copy should be keyword rich and tightly focused. It should also be written in a punchy, concise manner to keep your reader interested.

Dont overwrite - in article marketing, less is usually more. Most publishers are looking for something in the 300-600 word range, although anywhere from 250 -1500 words is considered acceptable. For comparison, this article clocks in at just under 600 words (not counting my real resource box).

Use Subtitles To Break Up Text

The main body of your article should be broken up into crisp, short and focused paragraphs, each built around a single point, with lots of white space. Blocks of unbroken text are to readers what garlic is to vampires - one look and they're gone.

Keep in mind that odd numbers, especially three and seven, have the greatest psychological appeal. When using defined lists, subtitles or a series of examples (such as in this sentence), use odd numbered items to create cadence and build momentum.

Generating Content

Tip lists, how-to's, Top 10's - all of these make great articles! Another popular format is the Q&A - ask a question in the opening paragraph and then answer it in the body of the article.

Out of ideas? Recycle your content. Rewrite and repurpose your best blog and bulletin board posts, break up key points from an ebook chapter, flesh out informative emails you've sent to colleagues and so on.

And look for articles within articles. For example, each item from a Top Ten can be the topic for a short article all by itself. Put them all together with related headlines and you have an article series - and maybe the foundation of another ebook!

Are You Ready For The Big Finish?

Almost there! Close with a brief but strong paragraph or two that ties up any loose ends and restates your main point clearly and effectively - this is another good place to use your keywords. Then sit back and call it a day. Whew! Great job. Now let your article rest for a day or two, then go back and edit to trim the fat and catch any typos and submit to your choice of article marketing directories.

Resource/Bio Box - Don't forget your resource box! Include links to and tell interested readers how they can hire you to do stuff that relates to your article subject. And HEY! Look at this amazing discount just for your readers! This is where the magic happens, so make sure you pull out your most persuasive laser-marketing copy.

Summary: Now that you've finished the article, it's time to write a great summary or teaser. This copy doesn't actually appear in your article, but is used along with your headline on the main site to entice visitors to read it. A good teaser is short, sweet and whets the reader's appetite for more - get their attention, but don't give away the farm. You can use the first few sentences of the article itself, in a pinch, but it's best to create a separate blurb that really packs a punch. Once you've done that, you're finished!

Author Info:
Soni Pitts is a professional freelance writer and editor, with experience that ranges from short web articles to full-length ebooks and beyond.

"Need professional quality writing, but hate to write - or just don't have the time to do it all yourself? Don't let less-than-perfect writing skills or a tight schedule leave you at a loss for words. Query writer [at] for a free consultation, samples and a quote."

Posted by get-paid98052 | 1:52 PM |

How to Use Article Marketing to Build Credibility

One of the great uses of article marketing is that of creating credibility. You see, when you write articles and submit them to multiple article directories online, they not only are posted on the article directories themselves, but are also posted on the many niche web sites that use articles as content.

Ask yourself this: if you were thinking about hiring one of two people to do work for you, or to learn from, and you were to google their name, and one of the people showed over 10,000 results, mostly articles and reviews about that person, and the other person showed less than 100 references to their name or site, which would you feel is more credible?

If you are like me, you probably would rather work with the person who has over 10,000 web sites referencing him or her, than work with the person with less than 100.

One of the great things about article marketing is that it can very quickly build up massive numbers of links and references to you and your web site, giving you the quick advantage of perceived credibility.

So how do you do it?

Here is my 3 step plan for building credibility online:

1) Write articles on your niche topic

2) Put links in your articles that go back to your web site

3) Submit the articles to as many article directories as possible (I currently submit my articles to a list of about 150 article directories).

By following this 3 step system, you will very quickly gain credibility online, and position yourself to receive some of the business your competitors are currently receiving.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 11:44 AM |

How to Use Article Marketing to Build Credibility

One of the great uses of article marketing is that of creating credibility. You see, when you write articles and submit them to multiple article directories online, they not only are posted on the article directories themselves, but are also posted on the many niche web sites that use articles as content.

Ask yourself this: if you were thinking about hiring one of two people to do work for you, or to learn from, and you were to google their name, and one of the people showed over 10,000 results, mostly articles and reviews about that person, and the other person showed less than 100 references to their name or site, which would you feel is more credible?

If you are like me, you probably would rather work with the person who has over 10,000 web sites referencing him or her, than work with the person with less than 100.

One of the great things about article marketing is that it can very quickly build up massive numbers of links and references to you and your web site, giving you the quick advantage of perceived credibility.

So how do you do it?

Here is my 3 step plan for building credibility online:

1) Write articles on your niche topic

2) Put links in your articles that go back to your web site

3) Submit the articles to as many article directories as possible (I currently submit my articles to a list of about 150 article directories).

By following this 3 step system, you will very quickly gain credibility online, and position yourself to receive some of the business your competitors are currently receiving.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 11:43 AM |

Profitable Article Marketing - Latest 4 Fresh Methods to Energize Your Article Marketing

These days, syndicating your articles is one of the most effective means in bringing quality traffic to your site while you establish your expertise on your field. Though this technique is widely used by most marketers, there are still some methods that were left unexplored. These latest fresh methods can help you energize your article marketing campaigns:

1. Get your article published on Google News. Find websites that are syndicated by Google News and apply as a contributor. Once accepted, you will be allowed to publish your articles together with your photos on websites that are syndicated by Google. Your article will be made available to millions of Google news subscribers that can result to huge traffic to your site.

2. Syndicate your articles through blogs and RSS feeds. Most blogs these days produces RSS feed that you can conveniently use to provide your subscribers with fresh content. To make this work even better for you, add your RSS feed on your website where your article headlines will be posted. Once these are clicked by online users, they will be taken to your blog to read the full articles.

3. Write for other website. Yes, you heard it right. If you offer websites that has enormous traffic with articles that will be exclusively published on their site, you can make a big deal of creating a link back to your site. Imagine attracting a huge number of visitors to access your site through the use of your quality articles, it will indeed worth it.

4. Turn your articles to podcasts. Who said you can only submit your articles to article submission sites? With the birth of podcasting, you can record and convert 2-3 related articles to audio file. You can then submit this audio file to podcast directories that include Yahoo!, Odeo, iTunes, etc.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 9:58 AM |

How to Use Article Marketing to Build Credibility

One of the great uses of article marketing is that of creating credibility. You see, when you write articles and submit them to multiple article directories online, they not only are posted on the article directories themselves, but are also posted on the many niche web sites that use articles as content.

Ask yourself this: if you were thinking about hiring one of two people to do work for you, or to learn from, and you were to google their name, and one of the people showed over 10,000 results, mostly articles and reviews about that person, and the other person showed less than 100 references to their name or site, which would you feel is more credible?

If you are like me, you probably would rather work with the person who has over 10,000 web sites referencing him or her, than work with the person with less than 100.

One of the great things about article marketing is that it can very quickly build up massive numbers of links and references to you and your web site, giving you the quick advantage of perceived credibility.

So how do you do it?

Here is my 3 step plan for building credibility online:

1) Write articles on your niche topic

2) Put links in your articles that go back to your web site

3) Submit the articles to as many article directories as possible (I currently submit my articles to a list of about 150 article directories).

By following this 3 step system, you will very quickly gain credibility online, and position yourself to receive some of the business your competitors are currently receiving.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 6:24 AM |

Article Marketing: Top 10 Reasons Why Articles Get Rejected

Each week I receive dozens of article submissions to my websites from aspiring authors, website owners, and entrepreneurs embarking on a new article marketing campaign. Most of the time, I can only use a small fraction of the content I receive because people writing articles make one of the crucial article marketing mistakes listed below.

KEY POINT: When you submit articles to a newsletter/ezine publisher or a website owner as part of your article marketing campaign, you have to remember that they aren't going to publish YOUR article for THEIR customers and visitors unless it is high quality content that gives something of value.

If you're writing articles like crazy as part of your article marketing, but getting very few of them actually published, then you might want to re-evaluate your approach. Are you making one of these crucial article marketing mistakes?

1. Poor Subject Matter:

If you're going to bother writing articles, write about something that people are interested in reading about. In other words, address a problem and provide a solution within your content. This is your best bet when in comes to article marketing. Content pieces that approach an old problem in a new way or with a new twist work well too -- you don't have to necessarily discover a whole new problem that no one else has ever though of before (If you discover a whole new problem and have the solution you better be thinking of product creation not just an article marketing!).

2. Write With Personality:

No one likes to read text books. Put a little of your own personality into your article marketing and make your content engaging and entertaining as well as informative. If you have a sense of humor, use it.

3. Write For Your Audience:

Don't distribute content about the value of protein in the American diet to a Russian Political website or the publisher of a podiatry newsletter... They don't care.

4. Write A Decent Sized Article:

Most publishers would rather an article be a little bit too long than very short. Four hundred word articles just don't have enough meat in them. Don't ramble when you're writing articles, but you've got to provide some details if you want to be published.

5. Break Up Your Article: When writing articles, don't use three long paragraphs. Break it up into smaller paragraphs with a few single lines, bullets, etc. to make it easier and more enjoyable to read. Again -- no one likes to read text books.

6. Spell Check And Grammar:

If you're writing articles as part of a serious article marketing campaign, then you've got to spell check. No one will publish your content if it's full of spelling and grammar errors.

7. Don't Write A Sales Letter: No one will publish an article that reads like a sales letter... period. Article marketing isn't about selling, it's about pre-selling.

8. Forget About Affiliate Links:

Use your head... why would anyone use your content article if it's full of your own affiliate links? Ever hear of the "Golden Rule?" It applies to article marketing too. Would you publish another writer's article if it were full of his affiliate links? I doubt it.

9. Create A Reasonable Resource Box:

A resource box should tell me who you are, what you do, and how I can get in touch with you. It's not unlimited advertising space for you to describe every website you run and each product you sell. Article marketing is about providing content, not advertising. That "Golden Rule" thing applies to resource boxes too.

10. Only Write About What You Know:

Even if you're writing articles based on opinion, get your facts straight. Don't write content filled with advice that you have no business giving... it will hurt your article marketing campaign.

If you take nothing else away from this discussion, remember that a good article writing campaign always answers "What's in it for me?"

When you're writing articles to send to newsletter and website publishers, you have to answer that question on two fronts...

What's in it for the publisher? Why should they show your content to their customers and visitors? Does it give something of value?

-- AND --

What's in it for the people who will ultimately be reading your article when it's published?

After all, the idea behind article marketing is to provide some worthy content that compels readers to visit your site, subscribe to your newsletter, or buy your product.

Article marketing can be extremely lucrative... but you've got to do it right.


Savvy internet marketers generate thousands of dollars from Article Marketing marketing each year. To get instant access To The Amazing Article Formula that gets articles distributed, Published, and read, Visit Now! Or Visit to submit your article.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 5:44 AM |

Apr 29, 2008 Apr 30, 2008 May 1, 2008 May 2, 2008 May 3, 2008 May 4, 2008 May 5, 2008 May 6, 2008 May 7, 2008 May 8, 2008 May 9, 2008 May 10, 2008 May 11, 2008 May 12, 2008 May 13, 2008

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