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Friday, May 9, 2008

Announcing 3 Fresh Secrets to Grow Your Article Marketing

Why do other online businesses succeed while others don't? It is because they have not really implemented their internet marketing strategies well, including article marketing. You should stay away from the notion that this technique only requires you to write articles, and that's it. Otherwise, you will definitely fail.

Here are 3 fresh secrets to grow your article marketing:

1. Improve your writing skills. All things change, even the tastes of your readers. You will never be able to satisfy their needs if you are not also going to improvise and innovate your writing techniques. This is going to be quite a challenge, though, but this will surely pay off when time comes. You can learn to develop your skill by reading other people's works and by enriching your vocabulary.

2. Spend money in article marketing. If you think that the only way to get published in well-established magazines is to pay for space, then so be it. After all, when you're in article marketing, you have to exhaust every possible means to have your copies read by as many targeted customers as possible. However, you have to make sure that your paid membership or inclusion is truly worth it. Otherwise, you can stick with free article directories in the meantime.

3. Build relationships with other writers and webmasters. Perhaps you may have never felt it, but sooner or later, you need help of other people. For example, you can request your webmaster-friends to publish some of your articles with links to your website in their pages. When you don't have much time to produce your own articles, you can always runt to your article writers. Finding friends in the World Wide Web will surely make article marketing a much easier technique to implement.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 11:10 PM |

Article Submission Software Skyrocket Sales!

Article submission software has to be the best tool ever created for article marketing. If you have been an article marketer for half your life, you would probably know the ills of article submission. Not only that, you also do understand fully how effective marketing with articles is. Let us start counting the ills of manual article submission and see if we are better off combining article marketing with article submission software.

Why is manual article submission so frustrating and painful?

Flash back a few years ago, article submission software was not in existent. Manual article submission to article directories or article submission websites was the only way. In fact, it does lots of good for our websites by bringing in targeted visitors who eventually either buy our products or subscribe for our services. You see, submitting free articles to free article directories are simple if we do so for one or two websites. But the problem is it is a real dread to submit to dozens or hundreds of article submission websites. And even every street dog knows that you have to submit to as many of them as possible in order to gain the most exposure. Thats the trouble.

No.1 Article Submission Headache Submitting Articles to Hundreds of Websites

I have done this before numerous times. Sat still in my seat in the morning and submit to 100 over websites each time I write an article. By the time I finished, the sun had set and my bum was sore.

No.2 Article Submission Headache Formatting Articles for Submission

I wish all article directories use the same article format. Each article directory tries to be unique. And I mean there is nothing wrong with that. But poor article marketers like me have to format my article, resize them, remove html, add html, change the number of links, copy and paste and reorder text for each different article submission website. Sometimes we really feel like article formatting robots.

No.3 Article Submission Headache Boring Monotony

Time is precious and we all prefer to do something more challenging rather than to face the computer the whole day doing data entry. Submitting articles by hand is one of the most boring tasks ever for the life of an internet marketer or webmaster. Find me an article marketer who enjoys submitting articles manually without the help of article submission software and you would have struck gold!

Fortunately, some smart software engineers came up with powerful article submission software to rescue us. These software totally changed and revolutionized the way articles are marketed. Firstly, submitting articles to hundreds of websites can be done in a fraction of time. Some article submission software also have built-in features that modify your articles into the correct article format before submitting to each individual article directory. And the most beautiful part is all these can be done while you are sipping a cup of hot coffee and watching your favorite TV show.

This sounds incredible but it is truly happening today. Many internet marketers and webmasters like us are using powerful article submission software to drive endless streams of traffic and injecting more sales each day.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Davion is a successful webmaster and author. Discover more about effective article marketing and read reviews of top article submission software and find out how these tools can drive instant and continuous traffic to your website at

Posted by get-paid98052 | 7:41 PM |

Reasons To Promote Your Business Using Article Marketing

You can easily promote your business using article marketing without spending any money on advertising. It does however require work as you need to write articles on a consistent basis. The benefits are significant. You will build link popularity to your web site as the articles are viral in nature. Other publishers will pick up your articles and publish them to their web site increasing the number of links pointing towards your web site. Also search engines will pick up your articles increasing your traffic.

However to succeed at article marketing you need to learn writing skills. You need to produce professional articles of a high standard. If you do not like writing yourself you can always hire a ghost writer which will allow you to still keep your name on the article. You can use services like Elance to find one. There is a lot of competition on the internet so you should be able to find one and get a good rate.

Here are the main reasons why I promote my business using article marketing. The leads are very responsive up to ten times better than leads from other sources. It does not cost anything. With the high prices of ppc and ezine advertising it can be very difficult actually running an internet business at a profit. Also you may not actually convert these leads into paying customers as they are not responsive as leads from article marketing.

Article marketing forms the back bone of my marketing efforts. I do use other methods to promote my web site as well, but I still find this to be one of the most effective ways to promote my business. The sooner you start using article marketing to promote your business the sooner you can also generate high quality very responsive leads.

Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new guide.

Download it free here: Secrets Of Internet Marketing

Here's your chance to drive massive traffic to your web site: Secrets Of Article Marketing

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 2:13 PM |

2 Major Issues To Consider Before Starting To Sell Online

When you think about starting an online business, the first thought that will come to your mind is selling various products.

The business of selling products on the web is a very big business, and just about every marketer have realized this and introduced their websites into the internet, to sell something. With the entry of e-commerce into the web, this has become much easier. Just about anyone can do it.

But,the point is, not everyone is successful. Some of them have little (short term) profit, some experience no profit, and a small percentage of marketers have huge (long term) profit.

In this article, I shall discuss 2 main issues (and these 2 are quite important issues) that every marketer should seriously consider before starting to sell online.

Issue #1::

Should I sell Internet Marketing Products, or should I sell any other niche products excluding Internet Marketing products?

This is the question that puzzles every new marketer. They hear that internet marketing niche is a broad and saturated niche, so small business owners or individual marketers would not succeed in this niche.

Now let us consider a little scenario. Suppose one day you heard a knock on your door and when you opened it you saw a salesman approaching you with 3 or 4 types of leather items. The company from where he came is not familiar to you. In fact you have never heard the name of the company before. Among the items you like a certain type of shoe. You wore it and walked with it with extreme comfort. Also the color and look of the shoe attracted you. You were so fascinated by the shoe that you instantly pay the salesman for its price.

Now suppose there are many shops dealing with leather items in your city. Leather items is indeed a broad market.. there are leather shoes, leather bags, leather suitcase.. in fact many items can be produced from leather.

Now let me ask you this.

Since leather industry is a broad market, does that mean that a small leather-item shop owner would not succeed?

Certainly a wrong decision !

Why ? Because there will always be hot demand for leather products. Shoes, bags etc are essential commodities in everyones life. So if the small shop owner know how to market it, he is definitely going to get sales.

When the salesman, from that small shop, came to you, he knew that if you liked the shoe, you would have bought it.

How he guessed that? How can he be so sure that you were going to buy it?

Here are some thought that would have come to his mind, while he thought "you" as a potential customer:

1) Leather shoe was an essential commodity in your life.

2) You might have thought of buying a leather shoe before, but due to lack of time, you could not do it.

3) You might not have any idea where to get a good leather shoe at cheap rate.

So there were every chance of you buying the leather shoe from him.

Alternately, in case if you had not bought from him, he could have easily sold it to any other person for the same reasons.

And the one main and BIG reason behind him being so confident of the sale is:


Internet marketing, likewise, is a hot and hungry niche (although it is a broad niche). It has been hot since late 90's. It is also a huge market.

Online business will come and go. But the people marketing internet marketing tools and services will continue to make money as long as there is internet. Everyday, a lot of people are entering to start a business online. And they will need internet marketing tools and services for their progress.

So in my opinion, it will not be improper for you if you consider internet marketing as your main niche market.

Issue #2:

There are many people selling the same internet marketing products that I wish to sell. Then how can I compete with them and start selling my products successfully?

Good Question.

Here again we go to the previous "leather-items" example.

The small leather-items shop owner, who was not getting much

sale, knew that he was competing with hundreds of other renowned shop owners in his city. He knew that his items were good, but people were not willing to come to his shop because his company was not so much well known.

So he had to employ some tactics to make his items, as well as the name of his company familiar to people. He employed a door to door salesman for that purpose, and after some days he noticed a good increase in his sales as well as new customers entering his shop.

Similarly, while you are prepared to sell your internet marketing products, first make sure that your products are good (there is demand for those products). Then you should make every attempt your name and your site well known to visitors.

You must employ some tactics to get traffic to your site and

then get the visitors well caught in your sales message. The point here, is of course, to stay focussed. If you can focus on what you are doing (i.e configuring a good looking sales page plus building good amount of traffic to your page), without being overwhelmed by what your competitors are doing, you are obvious to succeed.

Shouvik Mazumder, online for sometime and involved in selling internet marketing products. Visit my site Best Ebooks and Softwares.

Also get Internet Marketing Related Information from my newsletter

Posted by get-paid98052 | 10:17 AM |

How to Create Fraud in the Online Article Marketing Industry Sub-Sector

Becoming a fraudulent online article marketer is fairly easy, first pick a fake name. Second, build some websites in industries you know nothing about or even blogs if you want. Next, put AdSense ads on them - now put up some commentary that is "key word" rich. Now for the biggest secret of all; use deceptive advertising by writing online articles hyping and "buzz marketing" and write hundreds of articles, and post them online at free-submission sites, with by-lines to your various websites.

Another great trick is to "Steal" content from such online article websites and post these onto your blogs or websites, which have AdSense ads. Trust me Google does not care, as they make money too. The legitimate online article writers will never know, especially if you delete their name, add another name or kill their by-line links.

One more tip, if you are caught make sure you sign up for the Blog or website using false information so no one can catch you. If they do, simply say; "Oh, I am so sorry" then ignore them, hopefully they will go away. If they keep pestering you, delete those websites or stop using that one author's articles and go find some other ones, as you can keep that going on for years.

Why am I explaining how to be dishonest, cheat, lie, and be fraudulent on the Internet?

Well, because I am sick of it and completely disgusted that this is going on. I am tired of having my content stolen, I am tired of fraudulent hype, criminal buzz marketing activity, the fact that no one cares and that complete disregard of ethics by the human race. Further, I am tired of being a zombie slayer, there are just to many of you out there.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Posted by get-paid98052 | 6:54 AM |

Article Submission Services and What it's All About

Article submission services are a great way to provide adequate exposure to your articles. These types of services provide proper and effective placement of your article in numerous sites that will cause quality back links. This process will then generate multiple indirect advertising of your products and services.

The concept of article submission services is to direct as many back links as possible to your website. How does it work? Simply submit your articles online to a credible site that provide services for article submission. Choose the one that will place your article in as much as 100 directories or more. Adequate placement and exposure is the key.

There are some sites that provide article submission services that also have highly credible writers that can write the articles for you. Or, you can just submit to them your ready-made article and they will take care of the placement, like submission of your article to multiple directories and various article submission groups. This is usually the standard service provided.

Article submission services are highly useful tools to promote your products and services. They are geared towards building the credibility of your site, particularly the products or services that are featured. These services promote and expose your site by creating multiple, high quality and first class back links. Certain sites that offer such services offer far greater deals than the others. It is always best to do your research and review the quality and amount of services that will be covered.

Fees apply for article submission services. That is why in order to make sure that you are getting good value of your money, choose the best site that meets your needs and standards. There are some sites that offer submissions directed to web sites that are highly specific to your topic. This is an example of a good deal of value-added service.

Article submission is considered powerful when it comes to gaining incoming links to your site. Ideally, these incoming links should be of high quality and should also be one-way. This type of service has become a standard in terms of optimization strategies of search engines of numerous websites.

If you do not have your own article yet, most sites or groups that offer article submission services also have article writing services. So over-all, they will not only take care of the distribution of your article, they will also be writing an appropriate article for you. These articles will be published in various publishing resources that will allow distribution along with the imbedded links to your website. These make article submission services a useful tool for your website and business development.

Find out which are the top article submission services used by expert marketers at my blog.

Read honest and detailed reviews of article submission service Also, find out how article submission software can work for you.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 3:35 AM |

Apr 29, 2008 Apr 30, 2008 May 1, 2008 May 2, 2008 May 3, 2008 May 4, 2008 May 5, 2008 May 6, 2008 May 7, 2008 May 8, 2008 May 9, 2008 May 10, 2008 May 11, 2008 May 12, 2008 May 13, 2008

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