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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Internet Marketing Help - Three Free Tools To Help With Internet Marketing

Okay. You want to start your very own internet marketing business but you don't know where to start and where to get the right kind of help you need in order to succeed.

The focus of this article is to get you pointed in the right direction so you can achieve the desired results without making the same costly mistakes so many others do.

Here are three tools that will help with your internet marketing and provide you with tons of knowledge.

#1 - Forums. There are many top notch forums that offer free internet marketing help.

Some of the best ones are: The Warrior Forum, The Seeds Of Wisdom Forum, and The How To Corp Forum.

These forums offer hundreds of thousands of dollars in free internet marketing help.

Just do a search for them on Google. Join them and post your questions.

#2 - Online Newsletters. There are literally thousands of newsletters or ezines that offer a variety of help with internet marketing.

Now there are going to be good ones and bad ones.

Some good ones are: Talk Biz News, Biz Web Gazette, and Opportunity-Advisor.

Just do search on them. Join them. Read them. Learn from them.

Or you can visit a resource such as

This is a great way to get all kinds of help for your internet marketing.

#3 - Blogs. I still think blogs are over looked and under used as great ways to get internet marketing help.

There are people from all over the world who have great blogs that offer in depth, cutting edge information.

Another good thing blogs are, that you don't have to subscribe to them and have your email box full of stuff.

You can simply visit them whenever you need too.

For a great resource on blogs visit:

Remember to never give up and keep believing in yourself and you'll never go wrong.

Do you want to know how I build my internet business and make thousands of dollars per month from home?

Download my Free Report that'll show you:

"How To Quickly And Easily Build An Opt In List Of Hyper Responsive Subscribers Who Are Willing To Spend Money With You Right Now!"

Gary has been a successful, full time internet marketer for over 11 years. He has created list building campaigns that have earned as much as $22,000 in a single day. If you want to know how to build a hyper responsive list and squeeze it for every penny you can, then listen to what Gary says.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 11:39 PM |

6 Ways To Promote A Real Life Internet Marketing Networking Group Meeting

Promoting a Real Life Internet Marketing Networking Group Meeting may seem to be a difficult undertaking because by nature the Internet is global and therefore may make it seem difficult to actually find people in your own back yard who share your passion for Internet Marketing. This is probably the reason that there are few Internet Marketing Networking Group Meetings. But these six simple steps can assist you in starting a group and gaining from the many benefits of having a group. These benefits include socialization, team work, and even educational resources.


Putting up 18 x 24 signs around your town is a great way to generate interest in your group.

Have or Want An Online Biz?

FREE Internet Marketerss
Networking Group Meeting
(555) 555-5555

{ your rtima site address}simple sayings such as the following work best

2.) Press Releases

Send out Press Releases about your group to your local newspapers, both big metro papers and the smaller community papers.

You can also send press releases to your local TV stations and to other community oriented groups in your area.

Simply search them out on the web, and find the contact information for where to send press releases.


Print out flyers and pass them out at Kinkos, Staples, Office Depot, Books-A-Million, and other places where you might find people who are in business for themselves. Send flyers to your local college and University Department of computer sciences, web marketing classes, web site design classes, business classes.

Again, search them out on the web, get the appropriate contact information and send the info.

4.) Other Networking Groups

Check your local newspapers for Business Networking Groups in your area. They will usually be published in the business section or your Community section. Also, you can do a search on yahoo or google for these groups. Go to some of their meetings. They are sure to be interested in you. Its a good place to recruit people who would like to take an interest in online marketing, and its also a great place to find products to market online for others.

5.) Online Groups and Forums

Craigslist is the place to announce events. You can also post on the Warrior Forum. You can search yahoo groups for local groups in your area and join the group to participate in their discussions. Try to answer questions on yahoo answers and drive traffic to your site via your sig file.

6.) Social Networking Sites

Myspace, Youtube, Squidoo, Hub Pages, WordPress Set up a myspace page about your group. Participate in groups, update your myspace page frequently. Allow members of your networking group to post comments on your myspace page and let them promote their own sites, products and affiliate programs on it. Record your meetings on both digital audio and digital video, post your best video clips on video sites like youtube, myspace, msn videos, and as many more as you can find.

Vanessa Blais-
Why Start A Real Life Internet Marketers Networking Group? How to Start A Real Life Internet Marketers Networking Group?

Posted by get-paid98052 | 8:52 PM |

Adsense and Pay Per Click For Writers - Exchanging Words For Dollars

What is the main goal of every writer? Ask this question of one thousand writers and chances are strong that the overwhelming response will be: "To get published." I'm here to tell you that all of these writers are wrong. Here's why. If these polled writers were pressed further, I'd bet that they want to get published because that would get them to the real goal...Getting paid.

How many authors would agree to a publishing deal that offered no money? Would you? I thought not.

So, let's skip the publishing deal, and get you paid. We'll save the publishing thing until you're making a few dollars and generating consistent income from your writing. We've all done our share of research. Even when writing fiction, research comes into play and gives your writing a richer feel .You get depth and layers. But, this isn't a course on how to, or the benefits of, research. You'll need to know all of that to continue.

Think of Google as a publisher that will pay you to research a topic, and develop a web site with relevant quality content on that topic. You're also free to pick any topic you want. Once you write five to ten pages on the topic, all you do to get paid from Google is add some code to the pages from Google's AdSense site. If you don't already have an account, you will have to take the two minutes it takes to apply for one.

After inserting the code, when you post your pages to the web; they will display ads geared towards the topic you wrote about. Ads that will be targeted to, and of interest, to people who will visit your pages.

The AdSense ads aren't typical ads, meaning that no one needs to buy anything for you to get paid. They are Pay Per Click ads. You get paid every time someone clicks on the ad whether they buy something or not.

It's a great concept that writers just like yourself are using to build six figure incomes by building several sites. Once the initial work is done, the income is residual. The possible money to be made from dedicated writers is staggering. I've seen, and am, living proof of the power of this process. By employing these simple tactics, my online income has exceeded my offline writing income, and the online income continues to grow every month whether I work at it or not.

So, here's to you not getting published. Let me be the first to congratulate you.

Ray Mardo owns and operates various websites that employ pay per click monetization. An example can be found at

Posted by get-paid98052 | 7:49 PM |

Adsense and Pay Per Click For Writers - Exchanging Words For Dollars

What is the main goal of every writer? Ask this question of one thousand writers and chances are strong that the overwhelming response will be: "To get published." I'm here to tell you that all of these writers are wrong. Here's why. If these polled writers were pressed further, I'd bet that they want to get published because that would get them to the real goal...Getting paid.

How many authors would agree to a publishing deal that offered no money? Would you? I thought not.

So, let's skip the publishing deal, and get you paid. We'll save the publishing thing until you're making a few dollars and generating consistent income from your writing. We've all done our share of research. Even when writing fiction, research comes into play and gives your writing a richer feel .You get depth and layers. But, this isn't a course on how to, or the benefits of, research. You'll need to know all of that to continue.

Think of Google as a publisher that will pay you to research a topic, and develop a web site with relevant quality content on that topic. You're also free to pick any topic you want. Once you write five to ten pages on the topic, all you do to get paid from Google is add some code to the pages from Google's AdSense site. If you don't already have an account, you will have to take the two minutes it takes to apply for one.

After inserting the code, when you post your pages to the web; they will display ads geared towards the topic you wrote about. Ads that will be targeted to, and of interest, to people who will visit your pages.

The AdSense ads aren't typical ads, meaning that no one needs to buy anything for you to get paid. They are Pay Per Click ads. You get paid every time someone clicks on the ad whether they buy something or not.

It's a great concept that writers just like yourself are using to build six figure incomes by building several sites. Once the initial work is done, the income is residual. The possible money to be made from dedicated writers is staggering. I've seen, and am, living proof of the power of this process. By employing these simple tactics, my online income has exceeded my offline writing income, and the online income continues to grow every month whether I work at it or not.

So, here's to you not getting published. Let me be the first to congratulate you.

Ray Mardo owns and operates various websites that employ pay per click monetization. An example can be found at

Posted by get-paid98052 | 7:48 PM |

Money Article Marketing

Articles get really high page rankings with search engines. By just spending no more than a month writing articles, you can use them to create residual income. That means that the articles that you wrote, that only took 10 minutes to make, will be making you income even though you haven't even been on the computer. So how can you make some money from articles? Here are some easy ways that you can make money using article marketing.

Keep in mind these are just some simple ways to make money online with article marketing. I hope you the best of success!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Posted by get-paid98052 | 3:54 PM |

Money Article Marketing

Articles get really high page rankings with search engines. By just spending no more than a month writing articles, you can use them to create residual income. That means that the articles that you wrote, that only took 10 minutes to make, will be making you income even though you haven't even been on the computer. So how can you make some money from articles? Here are some easy ways that you can make money using article marketing.

Keep in mind these are just some simple ways to make money online with article marketing. I hope you the best of success!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Posted by get-paid98052 | 3:53 PM |

2006 New York City Search Engine Strategies Event

The Search Engine Strategies event provided us with fodder for a series of articles to help business owners increase their market share, extend their marketing reach, and dramatically expand their geographical reach into new sources and new markets. Search engine optimization allows a company's web site to defeat time and distance to maximize the company's potential.

Why we went:

The last time we sent anyone to the Search Engine Strategies conference was in 2001 - I think. Not because we were really interested in that technical stuff, but because we thought our readers might be.

Only two of us went and found very little that seemed relevant. At the time our readers, established successful mainstream companies, were just getting serious about their Internet presence. What would we find for them? Not much.

The focus in 2001 was on the big companies with IT staffs and (relatively) unlimited resources, huge web sites and bulging budgets. We did come across a few things, the only one I remember was the session by Heather-Lloyd Martin and Jill Whalen, called "Writing For Search Engines". I was actually

interested in that session for us, not our readers.

This year, 2006, we decided to return. After all it was here in NYC and they were kind enough to provide me with press credentials. All I had to lose was cab fare and a few hours time.

Halfway through the first session I attended, hosted by Danny Sullivan the editor of - I knew I had made the right decision.

In his warm-up Danny (I don't know him but you feel like you do after listening to him for a few minutes) asked the audience (probably more people attended that session - one of several at that moment, than attended the entire event in '01),

How many of you are web marketers?

How many of you are here for the first time? etc. etc.

After listening to him for 45 minutes it was clear to me that, we're all web marketers or we'd better be! Our serious competitors are and they will be taking our business right out from under our noses unless we begin to pay real attention to our search engine strategies.

Our readers, and probably too, want to grow their market share. They want to do more business with each of their customers, and they want to expand their reach (geographically). And they want to do it 24/7/365 as cost effectively as possible. How is that possible? That's what we were there to find out - and we did.

What we found:

Sessions for people like us (and our readers). Search engine optimization is not just for Internet entrepreneurs and giant companies anymore. It is for Main Street companies too.

There were three program tracks from introductory to expert. I found some very useful information in each - which I'll be describing in future articles. What I came up with were ideas and strategies our D.I.Y. (do it yourself) readers can use to maximize what they already have in place.

There were ideas that caused me to say to myself, "why didn't I think of that" and others that we'd started using but then lost interest in when there was no instant jump in our traffic. You know, those, "if I knew then what I know now" sort of things. And we learned how we and our readers can be better buyers of the services they can't or don't want to do themselves.

There's an SES event coming to a city near you:

That is not literally true - but there are several upcoming during 2006 and I met people from all over the country at the one here in NYC.

At lunch the first day (more about this in a future article) I met two guys from a family owned company in California. Their boss had attended the Search Engine Strategies event in Chicago (I think) and she told them to come to this one.

Their company is as non-Internet as any you can imagine and they were already busy making notes for what to do when they go back to the plant.

I called 3 of my colleagues and they attended just the "exhibit only" area the next two days. Time and (very little) money well spent!

This article will be posted on our web site complete with links to SES resources. There will be 6-12 additional articles described there. The articles will be posted as soon as they are written.

The bottom line:

"We are ALL web marketers or we had better be, because our competitors are!"

Our objective is to shine a light into the ways that each of you - no matter where you are in the process, can put your business (via your web site) to work more effectively - to realize your company's potential.

Wayne Messick at and is the author of dozens of articles for mainstream businesses & Publisher of "Doing It Right" realizing your company's potential. His search engine strategies series can be found at

Posted by get-paid98052 | 11:42 AM |

2006 New York City Search Engine Strategies Event

The Search Engine Strategies event provided us with fodder for a series of articles to help business owners increase their market share, extend their marketing reach, and dramatically expand their geographical reach into new sources and new markets. Search engine optimization allows a company's web site to defeat time and distance to maximize the company's potential.

Why we went:

The last time we sent anyone to the Search Engine Strategies conference was in 2001 - I think. Not because we were really interested in that technical stuff, but because we thought our readers might be.

Only two of us went and found very little that seemed relevant. At the time our readers, established successful mainstream companies, were just getting serious about their Internet presence. What would we find for them? Not much.

The focus in 2001 was on the big companies with IT staffs and (relatively) unlimited resources, huge web sites and bulging budgets. We did come across a few things, the only one I remember was the session by Heather-Lloyd Martin and Jill Whalen, called "Writing For Search Engines". I was actually

interested in that session for us, not our readers.

This year, 2006, we decided to return. After all it was here in NYC and they were kind enough to provide me with press credentials. All I had to lose was cab fare and a few hours time.

Halfway through the first session I attended, hosted by Danny Sullivan the editor of - I knew I had made the right decision.

In his warm-up Danny (I don't know him but you feel like you do after listening to him for a few minutes) asked the audience (probably more people attended that session - one of several at that moment, than attended the entire event in '01),

How many of you are web marketers?

How many of you are here for the first time? etc. etc.

After listening to him for 45 minutes it was clear to me that, we're all web marketers or we'd better be! Our serious competitors are and they will be taking our business right out from under our noses unless we begin to pay real attention to our search engine strategies.

Our readers, and probably too, want to grow their market share. They want to do more business with each of their customers, and they want to expand their reach (geographically). And they want to do it 24/7/365 as cost effectively as possible. How is that possible? That's what we were there to find out - and we did.

What we found:

Sessions for people like us (and our readers). Search engine optimization is not just for Internet entrepreneurs and giant companies anymore. It is for Main Street companies too.

There were three program tracks from introductory to expert. I found some very useful information in each - which I'll be describing in future articles. What I came up with were ideas and strategies our D.I.Y. (do it yourself) readers can use to maximize what they already have in place.

There were ideas that caused me to say to myself, "why didn't I think of that" and others that we'd started using but then lost interest in when there was no instant jump in our traffic. You know, those, "if I knew then what I know now" sort of things. And we learned how we and our readers can be better buyers of the services they can't or don't want to do themselves.

There's an SES event coming to a city near you:

That is not literally true - but there are several upcoming during 2006 and I met people from all over the country at the one here in NYC.

At lunch the first day (more about this in a future article) I met two guys from a family owned company in California. Their boss had attended the Search Engine Strategies event in Chicago (I think) and she told them to come to this one.

Their company is as non-Internet as any you can imagine and they were already busy making notes for what to do when they go back to the plant.

I called 3 of my colleagues and they attended just the "exhibit only" area the next two days. Time and (very little) money well spent!

This article will be posted on our web site complete with links to SES resources. There will be 6-12 additional articles described there. The articles will be posted as soon as they are written.

The bottom line:

"We are ALL web marketers or we had better be, because our competitors are!"

Our objective is to shine a light into the ways that each of you - no matter where you are in the process, can put your business (via your web site) to work more effectively - to realize your company's potential.

Wayne Messick at and is the author of dozens of articles for mainstream businesses & Publisher of "Doing It Right" realizing your company's potential. His search engine strategies series can be found at

Posted by get-paid98052 | 11:42 AM |

Niche Marketing Strategies - Finding a Market Niche

As any Internet marketer can tell you, there are two ways to rake in maximum profits. Either put a ton of resources against a huge, highly competitive market, OR, employ niche marketing strategies to find a niche within a lucrative market and target those consumers directly. The first option is great...IF you have the resources and the knowledge to compete in a major market. Otherwise, you can easily spend your entire advertising budget before you even making a single sale.

So, unless you are comfortable in diving right in to "swim with the sharks", you need to be able to drill down into those large markets and find sub-groups of people who are ready to buy what you are selling. These sub-groups are what is more commonly referred to as niche-markets, or niches. If you are successful at finding a market niche, you can easily target the people in the market who are most willing to buy a product immediately. Plus, assuming you are capturing the contact information of the customers who do buy from you, you are building a list of people in that niche market who are willing to spend money on related products. That, my friends, is how you make money online.

So, how do you go about finding a market niche or the right keywords to target within the niche? Well, you could do it the old fashioned way, by spending countless hours testing phrases that you think might be profitable and seeing which ones work. Even if you are using one or more of the free keyword tools that are available online, it can still be a hit-or-miss process because you don't have any information on how many other advertisers are targeting that same phrase. In order to be successful you need to be able to immediately identify a good market niche and then quickly determine which keyword phrases are profitable.

The approach that I recommend, is to use a niche finder software product designed specifically to let you drill down into the search history for a market, quickly identify the most promising phrases and then analyze the competition to give you the most profitable, least competitive niches within that market. You can then enter the market knowing exactly how many people are looking for your product and what the level of competition is. Going into a market without understanding your customer base or your competition is a recipe for disaster.

In conclusion, if you're at all serious about being successful in Internet marketing, you really should invest in a good niche finder software product as early as possible. It will help you to learn the right niche marketing strategies and train you to easily identify profitable niches. In addition, it will immediately save you tons of time and take all of the guesswork out of your campaigns.

For an in-depth review of the niche finder software I use to quickly expose lucrative niche markets, go to

Posted by get-paid98052 | 7:37 AM |

Niche Marketing Strategies - Finding a Market Niche

As any Internet marketer can tell you, there are two ways to rake in maximum profits. Either put a ton of resources against a huge, highly competitive market, OR, employ niche marketing strategies to find a niche within a lucrative market and target those consumers directly. The first option is great...IF you have the resources and the knowledge to compete in a major market. Otherwise, you can easily spend your entire advertising budget before you even making a single sale.

So, unless you are comfortable in diving right in to "swim with the sharks", you need to be able to drill down into those large markets and find sub-groups of people who are ready to buy what you are selling. These sub-groups are what is more commonly referred to as niche-markets, or niches. If you are successful at finding a market niche, you can easily target the people in the market who are most willing to buy a product immediately. Plus, assuming you are capturing the contact information of the customers who do buy from you, you are building a list of people in that niche market who are willing to spend money on related products. That, my friends, is how you make money online.

So, how do you go about finding a market niche or the right keywords to target within the niche? Well, you could do it the old fashioned way, by spending countless hours testing phrases that you think might be profitable and seeing which ones work. Even if you are using one or more of the free keyword tools that are available online, it can still be a hit-or-miss process because you don't have any information on how many other advertisers are targeting that same phrase. In order to be successful you need to be able to immediately identify a good market niche and then quickly determine which keyword phrases are profitable.

The approach that I recommend, is to use a niche finder software product designed specifically to let you drill down into the search history for a market, quickly identify the most promising phrases and then analyze the competition to give you the most profitable, least competitive niches within that market. You can then enter the market knowing exactly how many people are looking for your product and what the level of competition is. Going into a market without understanding your customer base or your competition is a recipe for disaster.

In conclusion, if you're at all serious about being successful in Internet marketing, you really should invest in a good niche finder software product as early as possible. It will help you to learn the right niche marketing strategies and train you to easily identify profitable niches. In addition, it will immediately save you tons of time and take all of the guesswork out of your campaigns.

For an in-depth review of the niche finder software I use to quickly expose lucrative niche markets, go to

Posted by get-paid98052 | 7:35 AM |

Best Article Marketing - Latest 4 Compelling Methods to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

More and more marketers are using article marketing as their primary promotional tool making the online competition in getting people's attention much stiffer. If you would like to get ahead of the pack, these 4 compelling methods will help you supercharge your marketing efforts:

1. Focus on topics that are relevant to your target niche. If you are selling cars, writing articles about making money online might drive traffic to your website, but it will not be targeted. Meaning, you will have visitors that are not interested on what you offer and will not buy your products. To increase your sales potentials, talk about topics that are related to your target niche and focused on the needs of your potential audience. By doing so, you will not only augment your profits, but you will also be able to distribute valuable information to your target market.

2. Distribute your articles. Submit your articles to submission sites and directories. Pick the ones that are indexed by major search engines and have steady traffic. These are the sites that are frequented by online users and other webmasters who are looking for content to be republished.

3. Optimize your articles. You would want to drive search engine traffic to your website to augment your sales potential, right? You can do so by optimizing your content and sprinkling relevant keywords all throughout your articles. Just make sure that your keywords sound natural so you can still keep you content reader-friendly.

4. Maximize your resource box. Most publishing sites allow you to use 3 hyperlinks on your resource box. Take advantage of this and put in URLs that will take your readers to your squeeze page, product page, or main website. The more URL you use, the better your chances of improving your conversion rate.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 3:40 AM |

Best Article Marketing - Latest 4 Compelling Methods to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

More and more marketers are using article marketing as their primary promotional tool making the online competition in getting people's attention much stiffer. If you would like to get ahead of the pack, these 4 compelling methods will help you supercharge your marketing efforts:

1. Focus on topics that are relevant to your target niche. If you are selling cars, writing articles about making money online might drive traffic to your website, but it will not be targeted. Meaning, you will have visitors that are not interested on what you offer and will not buy your products. To increase your sales potentials, talk about topics that are related to your target niche and focused on the needs of your potential audience. By doing so, you will not only augment your profits, but you will also be able to distribute valuable information to your target market.

2. Distribute your articles. Submit your articles to submission sites and directories. Pick the ones that are indexed by major search engines and have steady traffic. These are the sites that are frequented by online users and other webmasters who are looking for content to be republished.

3. Optimize your articles. You would want to drive search engine traffic to your website to augment your sales potential, right? You can do so by optimizing your content and sprinkling relevant keywords all throughout your articles. Just make sure that your keywords sound natural so you can still keep you content reader-friendly.

4. Maximize your resource box. Most publishing sites allow you to use 3 hyperlinks on your resource box. Take advantage of this and put in URLs that will take your readers to your squeeze page, product page, or main website. The more URL you use, the better your chances of improving your conversion rate.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 3:40 AM |

Apr 29, 2008 Apr 30, 2008 May 1, 2008 May 2, 2008 May 3, 2008 May 4, 2008 May 5, 2008 May 6, 2008 May 7, 2008 May 8, 2008 May 9, 2008 May 10, 2008 May 11, 2008 May 12, 2008 May 13, 2008

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