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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Lucrative Article Marketing - 4 Fresh Ideas to Achieve Perfect Article Marketing

If there is one widely accepted means to promote and advertise your products and services on the net that is very cost effective and reliable in terms of yielded results, it will surely be article marketing. The dilemma in article marketing results from the variety of ideas and methods being employed by the article marketers. It is best hoped that these fresh ideas can shed light towards achieving good article marketing:

1. Article marketing should be directed towards a well-focused article. The main component of your marketing scheme dwells more on how effective the article material is. Therefore, it is essential that you give emphasis and importance on what sort of article material you are going to market.

2. After knowing what sort of article materials are to be produced, the next important aspect of article marketing that you need to focus on is your mechanism on how you will market these articles on the net. Make sure that you make a good plan and strategy on how you can potentially maximize the distribution of these articles to gain wide popularity. You can go about having these articles posted on other sites - a lot of sites are welcoming articles - or you can have them published on your own site, too.

3. Make a powerful byline positioned either at the top portion of your article or in the middle. The byline will be your chance to market and promote your identity or any product or service that you wish to advertise. This is a better way to promote rather than including your promotion on the content of your material which at a certain degree disrupts the continuity of the presentation of ideas.

4. Track effectively how these articles are performing on the net. You need to know whether or not these articles are pulling in some potential clients directed towards your business. If at a certain point they do not, then you will need to make some necessary adjustments to improve the yielded results.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 9:40 PM |

Amazing Article Marketing - 5 Rewarding Techniques to a Better Article Marketing

Article marketing in a modernized business environment is an indispensable marketing tool to ensure success and continued growth. The contribution of article marketing in the progress of a business entity is an incontestable truth. For this reason, a lot of businessmen are agreeing to the fact that article marketing is one good tool that needs to be honed and maximized in its full potential. Below are the five rewarding tips that you can use to achieve a better article marketing:

1. Develop a very well conceptualized theme for what you will be writing. Articles need to be themed at times. This means that for a certain period of time, you will need to have a specific theme to deal with. Your contents shall remain focused on that theme.

2. Do not deviate with your conceived theme. The mere fact that a theme was developed means that it needs to be followed. Besides that theme is only going to run for a specified time frame.

3. Always check for the latest issues and current trends. Make some articles about these issues and allow for your personal opinions to surface on your own writing. This will allow you to have the perfect avenue to explore your expertise about the issue that you are discussing.

4. You can market your articles better if you have a powerful means to make these publicly accessible. You can do that by allowing your articles to be published on some of the leading article directories and sites on the net. These sites will be your vehicle to attain proper exposure.

5. You can also market your articles by having these exchanged with some of the leading known and popular sites on the net. This means that you can have your articles published on some other related websites that can offer x-deal with you. Just make sure that the x-deal is something that will be beneficial to you and your business.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 6:04 PM |

Article Writing - 3 Ways To Monetize Your Articles and Ebooks

You can make profit by writing your articles if you understand how the process works. Here are some ways to monetize your writing process.

And now I'd like to invite you to find out how to get your ebook written by visiting Connie Ragen Green at where you will receive free tips and a Special Report on writing and marketing your articles and ebooks. For more information on article writing and marketing visit

Posted by get-paid98052 | 2:38 PM |

Reasons To Promote Your Business Using Article Marketing

You can easily promote your business using article marketing without spending any money on advertising. It does however require work as you need to write articles on a consistent basis. The benefits are significant. You will build link popularity to your web site as the articles are viral in nature. Other publishers will pick up your articles and publish them to their web site increasing the number of links pointing towards your web site. Also search engines will pick up your articles increasing your traffic.

However to succeed at article marketing you need to learn writing skills. You need to produce professional articles of a high standard. If you do not like writing yourself you can always hire a ghost writer which will allow you to still keep your name on the article. You can use services like Elance to find one. There is a lot of competition on the internet so you should be able to find one and get a good rate.

Here are the main reasons why I promote my business using article marketing. The leads are very responsive up to ten times better than leads from other sources. It does not cost anything. With the high prices of ppc and ezine advertising it can be very difficult actually running an internet business at a profit. Also you may not actually convert these leads into paying customers as they are not responsive as leads from article marketing.

Article marketing forms the back bone of my marketing efforts. I do use other methods to promote my web site as well, but I still find this to be one of the most effective ways to promote my business. The sooner you start using article marketing to promote your business the sooner you can also generate high quality very responsive leads.

Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new guide.

Download it free here: Secrets Of Internet Marketing

Here's your chance to drive massive traffic to your web site: Secrets Of Article Marketing

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Posted by get-paid98052 | 11:10 AM |

Matt Cutts On Article Marketing

Article marketing has just become an even more powerful form of web promotion. This well known, tried and tested web marketing tool, had, in some people's eyes, lost part of its value in recent years. Article marketing in now back in fashion however, as Google have started to clamp down on paid links and excessive reciprocal links. No longer are people able to just buy their way to the top, it is now the grafters, people like you and me, who are willing and happy to produce quality content for the web, that will once again rise to the top of those all important rankings - let the good times roll.

My name is Steve Hill; I have seen very positive results from this form of web marketing and often advise people that this is how, in my opinion, they should go about promoting their website/s. So often in the past these people have stated that they do not have the time to write and submit articles, or that why should they start to write when they can just purchase a pr7 backward link on ebay for three months to gain the same results? I always found it hard to answer that question, but Matt Cutts and his crew have now made it a whole lot easier.

Certain people will still take chances on purchasing backward links, perhaps they are lazy, perhaps they are stupid! Why take the risk? If you set yourself a goal to write say twenty articles per month, you will soon see your site moving up the rankings. Yes it is hard work, it is quite boring work at times, and yes it will take time to have an effect, but have an effect it will.

Some people argue that article marketing does not work due to duplicate content. This would be true if you were also including the same article that you have submitted to sites like ezinearticles, on your own website, but let's face it, that would be rather daft!

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:

cheaper telephone calls
dvd replication

Posted by get-paid98052 | 7:46 AM |

Article Marketing - How To Profit From Publishing Online

If you are an author or a professional who has lately been downsized, you can find loads of ways to earn money by doing article marketing without even leaving your house. Sure you might like to write the traditional way - on an assignment given to you by an editor and with a regular salary - but times have really changed.

Lots of people write articles in their home and them sell them online to web pages or print media outlets. Typically, you should market an article before spending time researching, writing, and editing it. An article proposal and sample writing can be used to market the article to ensure there is a buyer before it is finished.

A hot story idea that grabs audience and editors interest is the key to marketing to traditional print media. Find something topical and timely. Every day there are news stories, breaking trend stories, personal experiences and more, that provide marketable articles. Check the news web sites and portals for the latest items.

The internet also provides a new venue for article marketing. There are several services seeking articles from writers. These services often make money from advertising messages that are associated with the articles. These articles need topics that are of interest to potential web researchers and contain key words that the web searchers are likely to use to locate information. "How-to" articles, holiday themes, guides for beginners, and reviews, are staples of this type of writing.

After you have started your own web log, look into joining an ad affiliate service. Such a company places ads on your page and pays you for the number of unique viewers. If you are an expert in some hobby such as coins, stamps or records, you will have a built-in audience.

Your personal life and work experience may be what gives you that edge to deliver unique content in your articles. With the internet being the first choice of many seeking information for things as varied as a new handbag to news to travel, a well-researched article can provide just what they are looking for. Perhaps your point of view, sense of humor or expertise is exactly what will put you ahead of the game and article marketing will be a cinch for you.

Article marketing is a perfect job weather you are retired labor worker or a writer. This new and revolutionary business is perfect for anyone and everyone. It is simple and easy to do, the main thing to keep your mind one is to have unique articles. This will ensure that you gain your readers interest and entertain them. Furthermore to keep their attention you must have unique content that the readers have not yet read or seen. It is simply and easy to do, this is a great job opportunity for anyone and everyone looking to make money the easy way!

Posted by get-paid98052 | 4:25 AM |

Article Marketing For Traffic - Is It So Great?

Many marketers claim that article marketing is the best way to gain hordes of targeted traffic to your website. They even go further and claim that you will receive lifetime traffic from your writing and submission efforts. Many claim that you should post one article per week, but the truth is that if you really want to see results, you need to write and submit way more than that.

Don't write an article or two if you expect to gain a lot of traffic and sales because it's not going to happen.

To profit from article marketing, you need to submit hundreds of articles to the top twenty directories. Mass submission with a software isn't really necessary although it can help with traffic and backlinks.

I used to submit my articles in the past, and when I search in Google, I get hundreds of results for some articles while for others, I have only one or a few results.

Sometimes, I don't know for what reason, but your articles are just doing fine and you have many backlinks from this, but it's not my main model now. In fact, sometimes I just submit to and that's it. Just submitting to the best article directories also work very well, and I know another successful marketer who only submit to ezinearticles with great results.

Quality is a must. Whenever you write an article, be sure that your reader will feel better when he finished reading than he was before your article.

It's amazing to see that hundreds of article marketers use article spinner softwares and other crap content to pollute the Internet instead of writing well written and informative articles.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Posted by get-paid98052 | 1:05 AM |

Apr 29, 2008 Apr 30, 2008 May 1, 2008 May 2, 2008 May 3, 2008 May 4, 2008 May 5, 2008 May 6, 2008 May 7, 2008 May 8, 2008 May 9, 2008 May 10, 2008 May 11, 2008 May 12, 2008 May 13, 2008

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