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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Matt Cutts On Article Marketing

Article marketing has just become an even more powerful form of web promotion. This well known, tried and tested web marketing tool, had, in some people's eyes, lost part of its value in recent years. Article marketing in now back in fashion however, as Google have started to clamp down on paid links and excessive reciprocal links. No longer are people able to just buy their way to the top, it is now the grafters, people like you and me, who are willing and happy to produce quality content for the web, that will once again rise to the top of those all important rankings - let the good times roll.

My name is Steve Hill; I have seen very positive results from this form of web marketing and often advise people that this is how, in my opinion, they should go about promoting their website/s. So often in the past these people have stated that they do not have the time to write and submit articles, or that why should they start to write when they can just purchase a pr7 backward link on ebay for three months to gain the same results? I always found it hard to answer that question, but Matt Cutts and his crew have now made it a whole lot easier.

Certain people will still take chances on purchasing backward links, perhaps they are lazy, perhaps they are stupid! Why take the risk? If you set yourself a goal to write say twenty articles per month, you will soon see your site moving up the rankings. Yes it is hard work, it is quite boring work at times, and yes it will take time to have an effect, but have an effect it will.

Some people argue that article marketing does not work due to duplicate content. This would be true if you were also including the same article that you have submitted to sites like ezinearticles, on your own website, but let's face it, that would be rather daft!

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:

cheaper telephone calls
dvd replication

Posted by get-paid98052 | 7:46 AM | E-mail this post

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