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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Article Marketing - A New Marketing Resource that's the YouTube for Authors and Entrpreneurs

Remember how YouTube came along and just took over in a such short period of time?

Wouldn't it have been great to be on the ground floor of YouTube?

Now you have the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of what I'm calling YouTube for article writers, authors and entrepreneurs. It's called Free IQ - The Marketplace for Ideas. I just found out about it a few weeks ago and already have several audios, articles e-books up, and will probably have more things up by the time you read this.

Advantages of Free IQ

Brad Fallon and crew have come up with a great idea over at Free IQ. There are several great advantages with Free IQ -

The pdf converter I use is Adobe Acrobat. Now that is a fairly expensive piece of software. The last time I checked in the stores, it was over $300. When I bought mine 3 years ago, I got it on eBay for $82. This is a nice insider tip for you - when you want to buy a piece of software, check eBay first.

You can get a fr'ee pdf converter at

Think about it - you can use video, audio and text to market your services to the world.

I recommend that you check it out.

You can get your fre'e account at Free IQ by going to

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Posted by get-paid98052 | 10:05 PM | E-mail this post

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